Letter from Steve Kubby



Dear Friends,

Thank you all for your kind words and continuing support. We've always said
we would prove our innocence and expose the prosecutors and police. Now,
that's just the way the media and public see it.

As for "house arrest," one thing we've learned, it's not what they do, it's
what we do that counts. We will deal with this house arrest issue, just as
we have with all the other illegal and unconstitutional actions we've faced,
and make it go away.

Yes, we spent a lot of money, most of it from our Libertarian friends, but
no more so than we would have in any other campaign - with far better
results. Our Libertarian call for real freedom and justice is now heard
louder than ever. Instead of keeping me and medical marijuana out of
politics, the Placer D.A. has brought politics and the media to our

The efforts of our prosecutors to destroy us, have only driven supporters
and donations to our side. Now, thanks to our prosecutors, the media and
citizens finally get it. From the ashes of despair, we are rising up,
empowered to recall corrupt elected officials and hold them accountable.

Our attorneys tell us that since the prosecutors never showed that a crime
took place when we were arrested, our case for civil rights violations is
looking very strong. So is our civil case. And because of a recent
published opinion by the district federal judge, unless a crime can be shown
to have occurred, these Placer officials are personally liable and no longer
immune from prosecution.

The recent effort by our prosecutors to prohibit me from using medical
marijuana while on probation, after days of testimony by doctors documenting
how cannabis has saved my life, shows their criminal intent to violate the
Compassionate Use Act. After all, if a patient as well documented as myself
is considered ineligible to use medical marijuana in Placer County, then who
is? Clearly a recall election and federal civil rights prosecutions are the
only remaining solutions.

It is our firm belief that the district attorneys in Placer, Marin and
Shasta are deliberately violating the civil and medical rights of seriously
ill people. In order to protect ourselves and force corrupt officials to be
held accountable, we have just hired J. David Nick to to serve as our lead
counsel in upcoming recalls and federal civil rights actions.

The fight has just begun!

Let freedom grow,

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