lighting a bowl


New Member
I have seen a few different ways people have light up or heated up the stuff when they are rolling it. Some people like using alcohol burners because there are less toxins than butane lighters. I have seen hot knife heated with a propane torch. I have seen bowls and joints lit by the sun using a magnifying glass. I have not seen vapourizers, other than on youtube, but I have been told that is a safer toke. Some folks are oldschool match people that strike up and let the sulfer burn off before applying the light. Have I covered every way?
Does anyone have a favourite?
I have hit a few different vapes. I think they kind of conserve your weed because it just heats the weed up. It's good because I think you don't get all the smoke and butane as you would if you just lit it. But I'm no weed genius so I could be wrong. The high is very very nice as well. My buddy has heated up a knife using the stove, just let the tip sit in the flame. But I do recommend using a vape.
I use anything that will spark a flame. I have been using butane lighters for over years(yikes). I'm still here, so good ole bic is fine with me.

MrBigNose is right about the vaporizors. They are safer because you only inhale the vapor and not the smoke. The high is also more intense and I think it lasts longer. So does your bud. I have a pocket vapor that runs on butane. I like it alot.

Use the search button above, type in vaporizors, and you will find a ton of info on vaping.

Peace and good vaping:rollit:
my goal is to get a vape by the end of the year in 09.....I need to find out what one I want tho....but usually it is just the good ol bic.
Vaporizers are the cleanest but not the tastiest. I'm a lover of the magnifying glass + a clean pipe, solar tokes are by far the tastiest, but definitely not the easiest heh. Takes some practice, especially with the same mag. glass, use sunglasses too if your gonna try it.
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