Lower leaves always do this to me

Your not going to have the slitest clue about the microbiome in your soil mix unless your into microscopy at 2500 x minimum. The biome in the rhizosphere is forever changing and always in Flux. I don't want to go down this rabbit hole but if you have a healthy microbial population your plant would love farm runoff for water. Microbes love shit.
How long did you veg for? I notist he kit is made for 10 weeks, 2 weeks from seed or cutting and 8 - 10 weeks flower.
How long did you veg for? I notist he kit is made for 10 weeks, 2 weeks from seed or cutting and 8 - 10 weeks flower.
I vegged for 6 weeks I believe...
When I originally bought the product the instructions were to top dress every 2 weeks. Now the instructions make it sound as if it’s a 10 week run as you say. I don’t understand why they have changed and why I couldn’t do a longer veg as long as I fed properly...
Pot size. You can restrict roots when you use chemicals but not with organics. Your dealing with a living soil. The roots like to move and find food. Microbs make food and like CONSTANT moisture and lots of air. A 3 gallon pot for a big plant is like locking a wild animal i a little tiny cage.
Pot size. You can restrict roots when you use chemicals but not with organics. Your dealing with a living soil. The roots like to move and find food. Microbs make food and like CONSTANT moisture and lots of air. A 3 gallon pot for a big plant is like locking a wild animal i a little tiny cage.
That makes complete sense and lines up with my theory!!
Is there still a benefit to up potting in organics, going from 1 gallon to 3 and then go 5 or should I go from my 1 gallon right to the 5?And would you consider a 5 gallon pot large enough for a 4 foot plant at the end of flower?
Now your getting it! 1,3,5 and on and on! Do your last one close to when you put your plants in flower. Maybe try shortening lights on 15 min. at a time. That's less shock for your plants and more like the real world. I use plastic pots. If your mix is real good you can top dress with that alone. Be careful with the worm casting, they make the soil heavy. YAY !!!!!!!! I have no affiliation but a place i like is Black Swallow Living Soils in Brantford Ont. I don't get anything from them, it's just a real neat place!
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