MA: The Republican Endorses A 'Yes' Vote On Question 4

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
The debate over whether to legalize recreational marijuana is not as simple as either side would like to make it sound.

On one side are opponents profoundly bothered by the ethics of legalizing a mood-altering substance at a time the battle to curb opioid abuse is in full swing.

On the other side are proponents who say the marijuana law is not only unenforceable — nearly everyone knows solid citizens who uses or has used pot — and that demonizing marijuana as a hard drug only fills the pockets of illegal drug dealers and introduces those solid citizens to the edge of the criminal world.

Understanding the emotional nature of these conflicting views, The Republican endorses a "yes" vote on referendum Question 4 that would legalize recreational marijuana in Massachusetts.

At the heart of this endorsement is discomfort with the present laws. Citizens found with less than an ounce of pot can be fined, as they would with a traffic ticket.

Even the smallest amount above an ounce subjects owners to possible jail time. Judges are often uncomfortable with sending otherwise law-abiding people to jail in such cases.

That makes the current law rife with inconsistent application. And, while owners of even very small amounts of marijuana can be treated in a decriminalized manner, they had to break the law to buy the illegal substance in the first place, often bringing them into contact with unsavory people who also deal in harder drugs.

Is marijuana a gateway drug to other, more dangerous substances? It can be. Not always.

If Question 4 passes, legislators who have so far avoided leadership positions on the issue must stand up to ensure marijuana is dispensed safely, legally and with prudence.

This is not just about gaining revenue but about whether Massachusetts can responsibly handle an issue that will allow adults to make adult decisions, as they do with alcohol, but without sending contradictory messages about drug use.

By endorsing "yes" on Question 4, The Republican is saying that can be done.


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Full Article: The Republican Endorses A 'Yes' Vote On Question 4
Author: Staff
Contact: MassLive
Photo Credit: Don Treeger
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