Machete's First Cherry Kush Indoor Grow - 2014

Whats up guys, I'm here for a quick up date on my grow.
Unfortunately one of my plants didn't make it, the weaker looking one out the pictures is no longer :( . I made the rookie mistake of not PH-ing the water and giving it too much nutrients they were both looking like they were going to make it.

Ill try to keep the pictures in order from oldest to the most recent one, which is from today 5/2/2014.

I had to remove the first three sets of leaves because they were burnt to hell, and I topped her on here fifth set. There's allot of new grow and she's looking healthy but she still has a long way to go.
She will be a month in four days, what do you guys think? Is she too far behind? I know cutting her leafs was torture and nut burn made it even worst.
I'm running 3 fans while my lights are running and i goto 2 fans when lights off. Your plants need to constantly exchange air, even at night. My 3rd fan is for heat control, I have a small set-up just 2 plants but I got a 400w HPS, and 160w of CFL lights.

I only have one tiny fan running which is running all the time... It's probably not enough. I'm going to lowes today to buy a couple more lights and one bigger fan.
I need help deciding one wether to buy three gallon pots or five gallons.

This will be my flowering room and I want to use every bit of space. What do you guys think?
I'm doing the 1st month update on my Cherry Kush plant, she's doing great and I'm proud of myself for not giving up when times got rough. I transplanted her one more time for the last time into a (what I think it's) a 3.5 gallon pot. I'm not so sure because it wasn't labeled on the sticker, I think the pot are big enough, though.
Here she is :)

I also found a big brown seed in my sunset shertbet baggy so planted it to see whats up, and....
she's very nice looking. The first set of leaves are curled to the side, which it weird but cool. I hope it's a female.

so it's been a month now so I thought I would check for the calyx, I'm new to this but I think I the CK is a female. Please, I need your expert opinion! I would love to clone this one.

Thank you all for looking.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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