Marijuana related license plate


New Member
We'll I've really wanted to make a custom license for a while now, even my parents have custom ones now a days... I was going to get like "boosted", "turboex", "trborice" or some shit, but when I have my car up for the winter I still have to have that license plate on my beater for 5 months out of the year.

Anyway, I was thinking of maybe getting something to do with maryjane? I obviously don't want to just put something extremely obvious thats going to get me pulled over and searched. "JST BLZ" might be kinda cool... maybe "SENSI" haha, those might be to obvious though, give me some ideas I just got paid! It would be cool to have something people my age would recognize, but I'm sure the cops would recognize anything just as well as anyone else. Reps :) Will post a picture when I get it too!

:peace: and love, thanks
wait. not sure if that would work over in ur area but yeah. oh well.
heres some off top of my head.
mx420 (as in 4+2+0=6) LOL ok lame

and finally
get this

420mag. LOL

goodluck on finding ur dream license plate hahahaa
well i dunno ive always wanted one but most of the time id have something illegal on me so i figured it would be easier to pass on the custom ganja plates
just but high on the license plate and if a cop says he wants to search you say under what grounds. I wouldn't carry pot in my car either.
I wish we had custom plates here.. But I've seen a 911 porche with 911 as the digits.. As well as an acura MDX with those letters on the plate too. I guess there are ways to get custom plates then. But usually, when you get a car they issue you a plate and you keep that plate for whatever car you'll own thru out your life.. And it's 3 digits followed by 3 letters, except rented cars, company cars, taxis and government cars, they have a letter in front of the 3 digits.. I've seen 420 as the first 3 digits..
I think 420 is like CDXX? I dunno if I would want that haha prolly just end up with something to do with 311
i was in merced, cal once and at a red light i pulled up behind a very nice mercedes convertable being driven by a black man. his licence plate frame read...

No, As A Matter Of Fact I'm Not A Drug Dealer

i lmao!!!

i double lmao at that. :headbanger:
I lured it down to these last ones that have all been approved on the sec of state site (doesnt mean I can have them just means no one else has them)

PFPFGVE (thanks hawker)

and the one that I am leaning towards is "P3CNLUV" cause I dont think I could really have any of the mary jane ones..but its fun to think about...hmm....what you all think about this one?
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