Meaning of life


New Member
the meaning of life to me is keeping an open mind to change , and the gattering of information to help assist you in making desicions, and also never forgeting no matter what is stated by another human no matter what meduim they are usuingh it is just thier opinion .
meaning of life right there...
and personally, to enjoy life and have fun...
thats deep man
ur smokin some gooood shit brother was something miraculously givin to us..and now wat our job is is to better off the people of now and in the future by finding cures for diseases in this world...helping idk if this is wat u would consider a meaning of life...but i think it is to help all other people, animals, plants and other living things all of nature and to find out things to better off the people and make this world the best it could be...thats wat i think our job is in this world. and wat we should do while givin life...and they're preparing us with school and other things perfectly to get this world to where it should be...thats wat i think...but i def. need to say wat i think wen im stoned...not till the weekend..hold out..
WAKING LIFE!!!!!!! WATCH THIS MOVIE COMPLETELY BAKED!!! OR BETTER YET, EAT SOME HALLUCINOGENICS, THAT WOULD BE NUTS, I have never tripped out and watched it, but you dont have to trip out for this movie to blow your mind!!!!
But the meaning of life to me is to roam and THINK of everything that could be thought of. We think our lives away. Not in a bad way though, because no one can tell anyone what a human being is supposed to do. Human beings are "put" here to do whatever it is you want your life to be. You make your decisions and those decisions are thoughts, so whatever you think the meaning of life is, then your right about it.
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