Most Popular Online Issue Is Marijuana, Will Obama Respond Seriously This Time?

The question was framed according to the way that Obama wished to answer it. There is no way that he could answer any of the actual Cannabis Hemp questions that were asked. We all know his level of education and intellect so we are also aware that he knows what the truth is. His lies would have been too transparent. You don't get into the big leagues if you don't know how to play ball. Apparently his team is owned by corporations when he should be playing for the people's team.
The question was wether we should legalize all drugs, not once was marijuana mentioned, why? To legalize all drugs would be foolish if not reckless. All hardcore drugs i.e. cocaine, herion, meth and the like should stay illegal, these drugs are dangerous not to mention the fact they can kill you. Now, for this YT'er to bundle marijuana in with all drugs I don't think was fair. The question should have been marijuana specific and I think the cannabis community got screwed on this question.

your right when you say the cannabis community got screwed on this question when we are talking about all drugs combined because most people dont want to see the other drugs as you mentioned legalized, but, even though as you say those other drugs kill people so do alcohol and tobacco along with most prescription drugs, and alcohol and tobacco are legal to buy at the local party store, we are permited to put these dangerous drugs into our bodies with the knowledge that they will likely kill us, why should it be any different with the illegal drugs you mention? should it not be a persons choice to do to there own life as they wish even with these other drugs as they can legaly do with alcohol and tobacco? I dont agree with harder drugs for myself but if a person wants to harm themself with the harder drugs I think that should be there right to make that decission as long as they dont put another life in danger in the process as with alcohol and drinking and driving, if you can drink in the privacy of your own home and your not out putting anothers life in danger it is fine but your still killing yourself so what is the difference?
free2blaze I agree people have a right to put into their bodies what they wish. On the other hand tho, the drugs I mentioned are far more dangerous then alcohol and tobacco combined, these drugs also have a tendency to lead to violence which affects others, but so does alcohol and like you say thats legal. Also, who is going to pay for the medical for these people? You? Me? We will end up doing exactly that, paying for the overdoses which are sure to happen. Paying for the spouses they just kicked the shit outta because they couldn't find their next fix. Paying for the kids foster care because their parents are in rehab.
I just see a whole slew of problems with these other drugs that noone is going to want to deal with or pay for.
I am a firm believer that people have a right to do as they please as long as it doesn't effect someone else. Believing in this philosopy leaves me a little conflicted with my statement above, but I stand by it.
Those SAME people have to pay for the health care of AIDS, HEP C, victims in the (war on humanity) ON DRUGS.

The stats show that REAL control over drugs not PSUEO commercialized drug "Laws" is the best for Humanity.

YES- Cannabis is a "Soft" drug, but ones health and well being is ones personal Choice.

Not a disease spreading Drug Habit, that offs unsuspecting humans due to their Governments Own Greedy Policies.
MedicalNeed your right we do already pay for the healthcare of those patients, but why add to an already burdened system? I feel hospitals already WAY overcharge for treatment as is. To charge $80 for a friggin aspirin, absolutley ridiculous and thats just the start of it. Imagine the influx of patients if these drugs were made legal. It would overwelm the sysytem. Instead of waiting 2 hours to get care now its 6 hours. Like I said in my previous statement, To legalize these drugs would bring a FLOOD of new problems to an already stressed system.
I too feel this question, the one he chose to answer, was the easiest way out for him to diplomatically say "no" without saying 'no' and making it sound good in a way that the mainstream will agree with but without stepping on any landmines.

This is because that question was not about cannabis, it was about everything out there under the sun; which is a much bigger sell.

I'd like to see a question regarding just cannabis tackled by the president.
We are straddling the line when we discuss substances other than Cannabis. It is on topic but lets be sure and keep the discussion of those other things related to Cannabis. No finger pointing on my part just sayin' because it would be easy to stray off into other areas :cool:
Here is what I don't understand. If over 70% (I think it's actually 80%) of Americans nation wide say medical cannabis is ok, and if the top 198 questions to Obama were about stopping the war on drugs, why is cannabis still illegal? Doesn't all of that information mean that the People have Spoken? If the US is run, supposed to be anyway, by the will of the people, how can the government keep it illegal? I don't get it. I really don't.
You suffer sir, with many others under the delusion that democracy means majority rules.
Rule number one is: money talks. How many politicians do we finance?
Quite surprising really that in all this time that this African-American President has been in office that no one has been able to pin him down on why he continues to support prohibition of marijuana when the law itself was racially motivated when it was first passed

Harry Anslinger who brought it to congress made the following quotes in reference to Marijuana:

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."

"...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."

"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."

"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"

"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."
I have nothing to say. Because I watched last years video, and had an heart attack. lol. This is an edit, and someone please just delete this lol. :)
Wait. I DO have something to say. Something WE ALL MISSED!!!! READ THIS PLEASE. PLEASE.
Re-watch the video. Pay close attention the the L.E.A.P officers question. He NEVER SAYS CANNABIS OR MARIJUANA. Not once. He says: "all drugs".
We all expected him to say cannabis, or marijuana. But he didn't. I'm not coming down on the dude. At all. I appreciate what he did. 313%. But we can't condemn Obama. He answered the guy's question. 100%. He did. The LEAP dude said all drugs, so Obama said all drugs. We misjudged.
I'm not for Obama, but I realized this tonight. And I think it's important to this discussion, 313%. Think about it all.
So I sent Neil an email. His email address, if you want to write the Executive Director of L.E.A.P. is: <>
Let's make sure we are asking the right questions next time we have an audience with the President of the United States. Damn. He fucked up. That pisses me off. He screwed us. Was that planned? Did he mean to do that? To dodge the question in order to seem like they (LEAP) are doing good, while really just trying to keep the people here peaceful and compliant? Yeah, I know that's really paranoid. Call it anxiety. But with that question, one must ask. It was a dumb question. Truly.
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