
My veg room . So those dixie cups in the far right side will get transplanted into 1 gal fabric pots in a week or so. And those 3 gallon pots are gonna have cuttings taken and mothers flowered. Those 3 bigger ladies on the fsr left are basicslly survivors at this point. 1s a pineapple express i wanted to keep cause it grew some cool looking buds but the fire wasnt there. Another 1s a mystery weed i grew out 1st that smells just like ak47 but it cant be cause its always grows to the point and then gets deficiencys . And the other is uh somethin else im probally gonna get rid of. Theyll all have 1 huge enormous flight off in the green house for the summer heh and thats that. Its alot of work though. Havent had any pm issues in 2 years but 3 weeks ago i found a couple baby thrips i believe so i been soraying my vege room weekly. But its a clean room tiled all new construction in both my rooms so its pretty easy to clean. I notice vegging plants dont need much .


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Its weird and I think a lot of variables combined come into play. I once re-vegged a plant and when it went into flower the buds were a bit different than the first time. They were a little smaller but there were more ofbthem and they were much more potent and smelled strongly of forest fruits. The first time through, the buds were a bit larger and fluffier and had more of a sour berry smell. I chalk it up to a change in my soil recipe, and the way I was managing temps and humidity. The potential for that bud was there all along, I just had to change the environment in a way that allowed them to maximize their potential.
Ya im learning so many things these days with growing . Its got me excited but the best part i guess is the overall qualities getting better in strains that werent good before. I hear that when you take clones from mothers in flower that when they actually do root they put off massive shoots and become alot more vigorous growing plants and i hear people can revege their flowered plants. I wonder if the 2 share some similarities and how they re do after a re vege.
Taking clones in flower is called monster cropping. When I have done it, they have almost always take a bit longer than a clone taken in veg. However, that is just my experience. I have revegged around 10 plants so far and have talked to a guy who claims to have done it more than 10 times to one plant.
...So ya man i did that too for lile 14 months the moms got big and took up so much room i kept thinning them out but eventually i just flowered em thinking i could get a huge harvest. I got mostly garbage weed though. Probally from the lack of experience at that point....
Ya, that lack of experience was a bit of a problem for me too. ;)

I figure that the constant cutting of stems for clones has a detrimental effect on the growth of the plant. Then, when put into flowering it actually is no longer ready.

Two of my Blue Dream mothers are going to be outdoor mothers with the plan being to use some of the clones for the flowering cabinet and to produce a couple of new mothers to get me thru till next spring. I just brought them upstairs Sunday and put them outside Monday. If the major storms do not hit our corner of Michigan this afternoon I will try to get some photos.
Ya ima yhrow a buttload in this small house once its finished and thrn need clone the bag seed stuff . But i need to make room. And my flower rooms looking jacked but i got all the new strains in dixie cups and im really looking forward to that. Dunno y that last 1s yellowing could be deficient. Think i let it go too long.


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Amen brother im doin the same. These ladies were scaring me hehe till it started plumping up. Figure ill flush this coming watering so i can clean and get ready for my new wave of strains. Got some yellowing near the end but 6 outta 8 isnt so bad and it was just me being silly neway. Im sure after the flush thesell taste just like last harvest.


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Whats the actual draw from the wall on those? Are they blurple? My Viparspectras are 900's, but the actual draw is 390 in bloom. They look white to the eye, but in pictures shows they look blurple as all get out. LOL Three of those lights in a 4x8 grow some good bud for me, but I'm looking to go quantum as soon as I get an opportunity. Every time I'm ready to pull the trigger, the fates conspire against me and I can't swing it. frustrating!
There 1k watt hps mh dimmable from 1k to 750 600 and 400 i think super lumenz option. I plan on running 1k hortiluxs at 600 . Says it wont hurt the bulb on the box so. Yea i only use 2 atm and its ok....loll not at all actually but i did manage to get a few strains dialed in pretty well with judt the 2. Figure ill be able to get like 4 or so under each hopin lol. Just finished 1 of the green houses just need to put in some vents super warm in their and some rock flooring. Hoping to get some plants out there soon.
I tried a metal halide I got from a friend very very briefly. I had too much heat after only a day and a half with it in my set up, so I just stayed with the LED's. I really wanted to compare the two, but I am hearing so many reports from folks with quantum boards I doubt that I will ever even look at MH again.
Its crazy too if you cheap out on low quality bulbs or dont replace em after 3 or 4 cycles the overall growth is totally effected. Like those hps bulbs that have good blue n even some red in them the more expensive bulbs right well those bulbs make your grow way more healthier overall even totally help the overall performance of said strains. But i beliebe its because of the better quality of light compared to cheap bulbs that usually only focus on 1 spectrum as in blue or red etc. Now those leds wow man shit ezcuse me but yes sir i dont use em cause its so new to me they been around decades but i believe become awesome in the last 5 10 yrs. I bet people are getting so much better quality growth overall if they have adequate coverage. Ive used cheap hps and their crap i believe cause there cheap hehe and ive actually grown the exact same strains with crap cheap hid bulbs that do grow stuff but its not nowhere in comparison overall when i grew those same strains with the good lights. But yea man those leds kick butt hehe.
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