Moving plants on veg stage


New Member
Fellow stoners!
My greenhouse isnt quite finished yet, but I'd like to start my green babies already. The greenhouse will be finalized in three to five weeks, so I'd move my babies there after few weeks of vegging. Its few miles away from here, does my plan sound impossible? Plants would be most likely exposed to minor light leaks and some cold air and they'd veg few more veeks after this before flower.

What you guys think of this? Should I wait until my temple is completed or start veggin already?
Well I would start vegging, I think your plants will be fine for just a few miles, but how exactly does a "few" mean? And the minor light leaks shouldnt matter at all. As long as its not like a 24 hour trip you should be A okay. Start germinating those seeds! Im quite interested to see your greenhouse, maybe put some pics up when its done? If your going to veg for a few weeks after moving then you MIGHT want to wait like 1-2 weeks but in reality you would be fine with vegging for that long. So if you cant wait any longer then just go ahead haha.
Yeah potted, two-three mile trip with car. So, if its doable, I'll construct my box at weekend!
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