My First Grow

I see much hash in your future.:slide: Those leaves are COVERED! :yummy: Beautiful work my friend. Keep growin' strong.
:theband: :xmas:

:roorrip: hash :roorrip: toke :roorrip: hash :roorrip: toke :smokin:
Nice pic's the ladies are lookin good loads of resin. Hope mine turn out the same.....good luck dude!:cheer:


my brudda-from-anudda-mudda! how you doin OGD? hope you aint takin the sasquatch jokes too personal.......thx for stoppin by and the well wishes! ;)
Hogdady, reeling in the New Members with his Impressive grow! :goodjob:

:welcome: El Verde! Surely is a Awesome, Enjoyable sight Hogdady provides!
Even Rudolph would have trouble guiding Santa's Sleigh through that Forest!
Very frosty - a wonderful future.
After reading all of your journal I decided to register and reply to say:

Great job man! :) Keep up the great work! :D

Welcome to 420 El Verde! I'm honored by your statement....:grinjoint:
Hogdady, reeling in the New Members with his Impressive grow! :goodjob:

:welcome: El Verde! Surely is a Awesome, Enjoyable sight Hogdady provides!
Even Rudolph would have trouble guiding Santa's Sleigh through that Forest!

just doin my part Weed! lol
thats just day 23
well your in for a nice haul when its done by the looks of this O_O

i am so ready for that...thx for checkin in blacken :grinjoint:
snapped a few 28 ;)






Real late to this show. Took the time to read through all 17 pages and all I can say is wow. Very impressive garden and informative journal.

I might have missed it but how often do you feed/water? And are you still using bat guano in this grow.

:nicethread: I'm in for the conclusion..:popcorn::peace:
Real late to this show. Took the time to read through all 17 pages and all I can say is wow. Very impressive garden and informative journal.

I might have missed it but how often do you feed/water? And are you still using bat guano in this grow.

:nicethread: I'm in for the conclusion..:popcorn::peace:

Thx for the kind words bassbong! all i can say is that if anything i'm doin is right, it's because of this site! i have learned sooo much since i joined and this gro is an application of what i have learned (every day) here.

I alternate between nutes and ph'd water w/hygrozyme every 4 days. I haven't used guano since my initial application but intend to use it thru flower next go'round.

thx again for checkin it out! :ganjamon:
So i'm having an on-going issue w/fungus gnats...can anybody fill me in on what threats they pose and how i can deal with 'em? thx.....:thanks:
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