My kind of place


New Member
Hey guys..
Im new to the forums and quite frankly there's no good weed or anything in my Area, so I wanted to see what everyone else has to enjoy. I want to grow but wherein at it's too risky. I use it regulary just to calm myself in stressful times or when with friends. It's nice to finally be in a place where everyones equal. Any tips on how to find more marijuanA, or a super lowkey grow(closet, etc) please share the advice
Thanks guys. I've been researching and I think my closet will be good for 2-4 plants If not a couple more. It's a 8'x9'x12' but I wanted to leave space for maximum growth
Nmkush420 How's it going? :welcome:
Cheap Efficient Starting Guide

Continue to read and read. Than take a break a look,
Creme De La Creme Cannabis Photos

Looks like you have plenty of room in that closet to grow killer Bud.
Smart to keep readin' throught the Grow Journals and find a Grower who has a set-up you may like to copy.
Take it slow, Keep asking questions.
420 is here to guide you through, All the great members here will not let a question go unanswered long.
This is a exciting time ...planning a grow.
Best Regards.
See in the forums. :roorrip: :peace:
Happy Growin'
Good luck with your grow. I have found this site to be very helpful and informative.
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