My new inheritance


New Member
Well my best friend and I have been partners for a long time. Now he desided to grow. I told him what he needed and he got it started. Soon after they came up his girl got mad and tried to dig them up. Well now he doesn't have a place to stay and I have the plants. He couldn't take care of them anyway. All of them survived the digging except one. I planted another in its place. Now I have 8 total.

Hes got them in miracle grow moisture control shit. He got 1 2ft flourecent grow light and planted 2 plants in each pot. At least the pots are decent size. Right now I have the light he got and a compact 26w I found. I'm getting another light this week. They are under my desk now, as I construct a place for them in my garage. I need to finish growing these as cheap as I can with decent results. Can I get some advice as to what I should do with these?

This is not supposed to be bag seed. He said he got them through the mail from someone else who grows, but he knows nothing about weed except it gets you high. I don't know if I believe him or not.






Not my first grow but its been a few years. First one didn't go so well.
I know I gotta get more light. You have any suggestion on how many? I was thinking 4 2ft for now, then 2 or 4 more when I get ready for flowering.

I forgot to tell him not to plant more then one in a pot. If I got more pots when would be the best time to transplant them?
now before the roots get entwine with each other.
I would just kill them since you have so many others.
As for lights it depends on your budget. I would prefer to see you with a HID but you said money is a issue.
With flouros expect smaller airy not dense buds.
Another set would help but is still not enough
You might have to hook up a bunch of those squiggle energysaver bulbs.
If you can afford a HID. Here is a guy I use for equipment.
Welcome to Maryland Hydroponics
He has the best prices.
How come you never applied for a mod position?
I really don't have the money to spend right now. I got a $200 ticket trying to get these back home. I had an Oz and 7 plants in the car while talking to the police. Not fun.

He really wants me to do this and we will split the profit. I don't think he understands how it works. He wants to make lots of money. Someone told him he would get 8oz from one plant.

I'm going to split these up as much as I can. I think I have two more pots around here somewhere. As for light, if I get some money I would like to have some nice lights, but this grow will most likely be flouro. Not much I can do about it. I do have a bunch, maybe 10, ceiling fixtures for offices. They are 4ft 4 bulbs each so that saves me money. I really want them out from under my desk though.

How about furts. He got the soil that feeds for three months, but I'm probably gonna need something else. Any thoughts?
yeah wut i used is uh fox farm vegi and tomato
fert its great and it only cost me six bucks
ne hydroponics store has them and
theres this bloom booster u put in ur water
so it helps wonders so yeah i hope this helps
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