Need opinions on 2 x 2' grow space


New Member
Hey guys!

I've read a lot on these forums while doing my research and found tons of info. I've noticed different opinions on a lot of details, so I figured I'd gather opinions on my plans.

I have a stand-up shower in my basement that I don't use and decided to use it as a grow room (box?) lol
The space I have to work with is 2 x 2 x 6'. I have 8' of height, but I'm saving the top 2' for lights and venting.

Planning on building my own hydro setup using a rubbermaid bin.
I'm going to replace the glass shower door with a plywood door - cutting a 4" hole for an intake vent near the bottom.
Lining the walls with reflective mylar.
Using a can filter with an inline fan, routed through an air cooled 400W light and then out of the top of the stall.
A small oscillating fan will be mounted to the wall above the canopy.
Two 18" fluorescent tube lights mounted on either side beneath the plants.
The bathroom fan will be running 24/7 so the air will be refreshed continuously.
I'll be using MH for vegging and switching to HPS for flowering.
I have some Jack Herer seeds I'm going to use for the first run.

I'm looking for opinions on the above setup and I have a few questions.

Will 9 plants be comfortable in this space?

Should I be shooting for single colas?

I've heard that Jack Herers will double in height after going into flowering. Would 24" height be a good time to start flowering or could I wait longer? I want maximum yield, but I won't be able to raise the light much higher than 6'.

What are the best nutes to use at each stage? I see so many different names and it's hard to figure out which one sounds best for my setup.

Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance ;)

Honestly I'm not sure. I'll give my opinion but more seasoned growers may weigh in with better options.
My opinion is that if your going for max yield, would you be better off doing 2 or 3 plants with a bunch of LST or topping/fimming. Using a 400W light you may be better of with fewer plants.
I mean you could say "going for max yield" but are you going for max yield per plant or max yield as far as jamming as many in as you can and getting less per plant but maybe a little more at the end?
Using a 400W light if you jam 9 plants in there keeping them small and get .5g per watt total that puts you at 200g out of 9 plants. But cant you grow 3 bigger plants with good training do 200+? I would sure think so. On the same note you have to figure turn around time too.

I would just have a hard time growing a bunch of small plants for X yield knowing I could have done the same yield with just a few plants. IDK I'm weird I guess lol I just don't think it's fair to the beans to not work them to produce the best and most they can per plant.
Like I said, I'm pretty new at it too but that's the way I see it. Good luck though! It sounds like it will be a cool setup.
I'd run 2 plants max with that setup. I agree with the above statements to top, LST, Scrog or whatever to prevent single colas. Are you going to cover the top of the shower or leave it open air? If your leaving it open then make sure that you fan and filter can push enough air to scrub for the whole bathroom. Even with the bath exhaust fan on, I'd be concerned about the smell leaking out. Good luck!
From the sounds of it, everyone seems to agree that 9 plants in this space is crazy. I'll have to take that into consideration for sure.

Honestly I'm not sure. I'll give my opinion but more seasoned growers may weigh in with better options.
My opinion is that if your going for max yield, would you be better off doing 2 or 3 plants with a bunch of LST or topping/fimming. Using a 400W light you may be better of with fewer plants.
I mean you could say "going for max yield" but are you going for max yield per plant or max yield as far as jamming as many in as you can and getting less per plant but maybe a little more at the end?
Using a 400W light if you jam 9 plants in there keeping them small and get .5g per watt total that puts you at 200g out of 9 plants. But cant you grow 3 bigger plants with good training do 200+? I would sure think so. On the same note you have to figure turn around time too.

I've read that you can grow more plants, with less yield per plant, with the end yield being around the same as growing fewer plants for longer grow time. I figured that I could shorten the grow time.

I'd run 2 plants max with that setup. I agree with the above statements to top, LST, Scrog or whatever to prevent single colas. Are you going to cover the top of the shower or leave it open air? If your leaving it open then make sure that you fan and filter can push enough air to scrub for the whole bathroom. Even with the bath exhaust fan on, I'd be concerned about the smell leaking out. Good luck!

The top of the shower would be enclosed with the air being vented out the top. My setup would be sucking air through the filter, then through the air cooled light hood, then out through the vent in the top. There will be an air intake vent near the bottom of the setup for fresh air.

I was planning on single colas, but it sounds like you think that's a bad idea... Why's that?
Don't mean to sound like an ass but there's no damn way you can get 9 plants in that space. I have almost double that space and can barely fit 4. I'm running 22"x42"x62". I'm already concerned about space when the plants bush outwards.

You're better off running 2 plants MAYBE 3.

You don't sound like an ass when I ask for opinions and you oblige. I appreciate the input! ;)
Glad your going to enclose the top. You have a good plan. As far as the single cola thing... I would rather have multiple large colas than a single. You can harvest more bud per plant and better quality bud that way. When you have a single cola the plant sends most of the nutes to the top of the plant. If you can even out the canapy then the plant will more evenly distribute the needs to the all the tops.
Glad your going to enclose the top. You have a good plan. As far as the single cola thing... I would rather have multiple large colas than a single. You can harvest more bud per plant and better quality bud that way. When you have a single cola the plant sends most of the nutes to the top of the plant. If you can even out the canapy then the plant will more evenly distribute the needs to the all the tops.

Perhaps I need to rethink this... I'm tempted to try out a single monster plant using SCROG and let it go crazy. If I plan to have a maximum of 6' height, should I let it veg to 30-36" and switch to flower? As I said above, I've read that Jack Herer will double in height after the switch. Is that realistic? I do plan to keep the light as low to the plant as possible without burning, so as not to stretch too much.
If I can grow a monster in this space, I think it would be much more satisfying. I'll let her go as long as she wants if it means perfection!
Now your starting to sound like a pro. I'm only have one growing one due to limited space. Just buy some good genetics! Post some pics when you get everything setup!! If you run into any problems, just shout. There are so many quality growers here that are always reaching out to help.
You could TRY as many as you want and just discard the weakest as you run out if room. I think you could fit 4 small boys. Or go with one plant. But I alway germinate or clone more then I needed to WEED out weakling plants.
1. Nine, flowering, plants won't fit in 4 square foot grow space. Unless you flower in small(1-2 gallon) containers.

2. Take your pick. More top colas need more space.

3. Veg the plant for however long you wish. A lot of growers veg their plants for four weeks before switching to flowering.

4. Take your pick. Do more research on nutrients. Do want to use synthetic nutrients or organic nutrients?
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