Need some assistance


New Member
Anyone have a clue what these white nodules are? Looking through a magnifying glass, they appear to be growing under the first two growth leaves.
Better view of the white thingies

Thanks in advance for any ideas......blew the first pic, as you can see this tiny little lady (keep a good thought) just busted the surface this morning.

Damn ol school where's all the seed sowers when you need em ah. I don't do much seeding but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's seed material, it's sack lunch if you will. Bet you'll have trouble finding it in a few days....
When they are this young, it's normal to see some discoloration on the cotyledons and also the emerging leaves. Sometimes they get stuck together when sprouting and leave marks. The seedling looks really healthy overall.
Thanks for the word, yep the white nodes have all but disappeared.

Thanks again.
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