LED Burn?

Mike Wright

420 Support
420 Staff
I have been suspecting my LED's of causing deficiency-like symptoms due spectral diffraction, intensity, etc. Moving them to a greater distance has somewhat alleviated this, however the lower leaves, where there is much more diffraction from the upper canopy, are still hit pretty hard. There are a few marks on the upper leaves.

Here is a pic of a leaf with a magnified view. Superficially all you can see is a very faint white mottling. Under the microscope however you can see all kinds of tiny black nodules, like burns. When this gets out of hand, you can see this all with the naked eye.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Looks a little like leaf miners, in the picture in the Pest/Problem topic you can see the white marking, and black spots as well, and also somewhat resembles thrip damage: Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver: Pictorial

This also might explain why it seems more prevalent on lower leaves where the light has limited access, and not the upper leaves, which would be more likely to be burned/affected by light first.

it does look that way, unfortunately...I thought at first maybe calcium, but as Antics said, it's very much looking like pest damage..
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