New Grower in need of assistance


New Member
Hey Guys, I have been doing way too much reading over the last few months and am still undecided. I have 5 seedlings all from feminized seeds. 3 are steve hurkle and 2 Black domina. They have been growing for 3.5 weeks indoors under t5 cool whites in 6" pots. I have acerage, and great locations for protection from wind and people. Grow site is near a river and a stream, I want to go up on a hill a bit to prevent from waterlogging.
The plants have been hardened for the last 3 days ( I have still been bringing them in at night to finish there 18/6 light cycle.
The plants were started in 6" pots and look big green and strong.
My question(s), when prepping the ground I was planning on digging out roughly 18" wide circle by about 18" deep. Whats the best soil or soil combo to put in? of course I can grab anything from any of the many garden shops around me, but I also have access to lots of good compost as well.
My last water was last night, and I was going to let them go without further watering until I transplant (tomorrow evening or Saturday morning). My understanding is after transplanting, that's when I should water again with some nutes.
Any thoughts, comments would be appreciated.
Location is central Ontario, North of toronto
Hardening off takes a little longer than a few days & should be aiming at several plus needing to leave them out over night perhaps in a protected place like a green house etc.

Bring back inside under lights may stress them out a little as you are dealing with two very different environments.

It would best to keep the pots well watered before planting out as some times shock may occur but you will need to water in well once in the ground.

Preparing the ground is a little bit tricky...

Ambient PH of the native soil may effect things slightly, you can a cheap liquid PH kit to check it & then we may see about amendments to help correct it if need be ?

Preparing the hole or plot i'd more likely use organic matter more of a well rotted manure kind farm/horse etc as this provides a low NPK value & perhaps some micro nutrients also essential organic matter which helps retains the moisture in the ground eventually breaking down into humus which in turn release's humic, fulvic acids as it degrades further all very good for improving the microrganism content of the soil.

I'd look at bone meal as well for added phosphorus this stuff is fairly slow release sort of stuff but also contains Ca - calcium.

If you can get hold of dried seaweed based product or sourced from a local beach this stuff is pretty good as it offers large range of micro nutrients, if you can not perhaps liquid bottle of cold pressed sea weed juice can be sourced & worth using it as a supplement feed.

Chicken manure pellets might be another option just through a handful in the hole etc the rest can used as a top dressing lets say once a month for extra feed it will all break down in time for the plant to use.

I may also suggest using mulch around the plants of a few inches thick as to help retain moisture in the soil/ground longer between watering visits well rotted manure is excellent as this will provide further food for the plants.

As you are out doors another thing worth mentioning is the use of a mycorrhizal fungi product to colonize the root zone aiding in all sorts of ways :thumb:
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