Newbie grow help please!


New Member
Hey guys im new to the site just joined.. ive recently just joined this growing game my friend a few weeks back ( around 4-5 planted a seed outside in a bucket he received from a friend in hopes that it would grow.. and grow it did now we had it outside for like i said 4-5 weeks but the summer here ( europe ) is not very long so since it was getting colder we decided that we could finnish the grow by ourselfs inside.. both being students and very very very little money we gathered together what we could on a students budget.. i managed to get a small computer fan which is run by usb power and my friend managed to get two ip54 500w lights which we switched the bulbs for two R7s . so the set up of lights is like this.

now we hung the two lights from the roof of my closet which is about half a meter by half a meter and lined it wil foil wrap we also put a temp gauge in there and its reading about 22-25c . anyway my questions are as such..

1. is the lighting sufficient. will the plant grow?
2. how often should i water this plant
3. how can i tell if its male or female and when will the plant show me

anyway so far thats it for now.. now i probly could of youtube theses questions and found some guy that barely knows what hes talking about but i decided to go to experts you guys! please share your knowledge :)

heres my baby

thanks guys
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