Northern Lights automatic defoliation? Should I defoliate


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. Do you think I should defoliate my plant or simply keep bending her to get the light?
Outdoors, no need to defoloate, but getting them into better pots for more breathing space would be ideal
so, when i first germinated this seed i had to transplant her at week 2 almost, and only after i knew i shouldnt transplant her, now with this new pot, roots are still coming out of the pot, and so my measure was to put this pot on top of a bigger pot as you can see in the picture.

Now my question is, should i simply transplant her to this new big pot? or am i cool with just putting it on top of it with soil under?

i do not mind transplanting her, but with all i read i realised is not the best option right now, she is week 3 and already pistons are coming out of her so flowering is already on
alright man, i hear you! thank you so much for the info.
gonna let her go simply, no dead leaves until now, she looking green as hell! i will be posting pictures on my journal!
Your soil appears to be retaining to much water. Make sure that pot drains well so the roots can do their job and not
suffocate. Were it me , I'd remove bottom growth touching medium. And careful using thin wire to train. It can and will cut into plant once it begins growing vigorously.


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Your soil appears to be retaining to much water. Make sure that pot drains well so the roots can do their job and not
suffocate. Were it me , I'd remove bottom growth touching medium. And careful using thin wire to train. It can and will cut into plant once it begins growing vigorously.

ok man thank you
i had just watered the plant 1 hours before the picture tho!
I just finished 2 northern lights auto and they got so leafy I had to defoliate. As in more leaves than I've ever seen. Yielded well but took longer than 90 days. Mine were inside, outside probably don't need to defoliate much.
You don't need to defoil outdoors cause the sun will penetrate through the leaves no problem but you should start training your plants with some lst. I would not transplant so soon let them grow a bit and take shape of the soil and when it's a bit stronger you can transplant or trim bottom growth and fill with soil and the roots will grow upwards to fill the new median if the roots are strong enough.
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