Should I defoliate this plant?


Well-Known Member
This is a outdoor grown Monkey Berries 60/40 Indica plant in flower. Should I do any defoliation or just leave her be?

I would say she has another month or more to go.




Yes, long way to go.

I wouldn't remove healthy leaves from that plant. The leaves are the plants' solar cells - it's the chloroplasts in them that converts sunlight to energy (basically) ; the flowers don't do much of that. The leaves also serve as nutrient storage facilities. Oh, and when the plant is hot, the little micropores (that are called stomata) are where it transpires moisture from, as a means to self cool, sort of like when we sweat. And— well, you get the picture, lol.

If you want, you can drill/melt/gnaw some holes around the rim of your bucket, and then use some kind of cord, twine, or rope that is reasonably thick (enough so it doesn't cut the branches, I mean) to tie some of those branches to the top of your bucket. You can gently "open up" the plant that way, to help sunlight reach every leaf possible - and to make it easier for breezes to blow through. Just be relatively gentle; you're not trying to flatten it, just open it up a bit (and maybe a bit more later) . From the looks of things, it's probably not necessary. But it might be helpful later, if/when the plant begins to bulk up. Mostly... It'll give you something to do instead of pulling healthy leaves off ;).
I see so many videos on youtube of growers saying and showing to strip the large fan leaves and even strip the plant to nothing. It makes the most sense to leave the solar panels on.
Yeah, it's good to hear in mind the fact that, sometimes, a cannabis plant makes it to harvest in spite of the things the gardener does to it, not because of them.
and at that stage of flower, perfect time to do it, not to late.

start with taking the 3rd or 4th leaf down from the top on each branch, the one thats shading the in side of the branch
more leaves=more photosynthesis, choose what you want to grow by giving it light:), more flowers getting light, ultimately mote photosynthesis= more growth in total, but if you have to remove 5 fan leaves to acces 1 or 2 lower flowers, than not worth it, again, better air flow is increased when stregically defoliating, so its multipurpose technique use.

if you trust me, leave 1 branch with that top inner shading leaf and see the difference, should have bigger cola but tiny lower flowers

when done now at this stage, they will get almost the same light as the top for the most part, again, choose what you wanna grow by what gets light

the stomata under the leaves starts closing and stops intaking c02 when not enough light to produce photosynthesis, so its totally your call but if you do it now, you will be ok,

its only a few leaves and will be beneficial if not over done
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