Northern Lights


New Member
Has anybody had experience with this strain? I personally love it. It is a very clear high. Around my area it is near impossible to get good bud but the guy I go to always has a connection with good bud. This strain gets me high off a small amount of bud as well as uplifting and very very enjoyable. The high lasts for a good 3 hours sometimes more depending on your situation and how much you smoke. A good bowl pack gets me high for about 3 hours and is awesome. Please share your experiences or your experiences with your favorite bud.
I managed to come across some NL a couple years back. Me and my brother grabbed an eigth to take down to Florida with us. It was a 2 week trip to Disney, and we smoked twice a day behind Space Mountain. All I can say is, that eigth lasted us the WHOLE trip and then some. 3 rips each out of a lil glass chillum and we were stoned in Disneyworld. Best experience ever when high, I only wish I could find and develop the disposable camera we used to document the experience.
I love northern lights, never had anything but an awesome high from the stuff.
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