Nothing original to say.. so "hi"


New Member
Hey all. I've been reading the forum for a couple of weeks, and signed up about a week ago. Figured it's time to start posting. I started posting on a (different) forum. Ya'll seem a lot friendlier, and less snobbish. :byebye:

No new story with me... but here it is anyone cares. I grew up an alcoholic, tried weed maybe 3 times in and after high school, never noticed any effect because I was already too drunk. Always been a proponent though. The effects that alcohol addiction had on me, and the lives I've seen effected by addiction, are in sharp contrast to the effects of pot. Even when I was drinking, I never understood how alcohol could be legal, but not pot. blah blah.. same old story.

Now after 17 years of sobriety, I've come to a crossroads in my life. My beautiful, and awesome wife of almost 20 years is and has suffered from debilitating migraines. The hysterectomy helped about 10 years ago, but still when she gets them, it's painful to watch. Since all doctors want to do is load her up on narcotics, and it took me long enough to ween her off of them, we're turning to alternative forms of medication.

The problem is, we live in a "nazi" weed state. cultivation of even a single plant is a felony with a minimum of 2 years. Too bad.. my wife is worth it.

We cleaned out a 11 x 11 room and I guess I'll document the process of the room remodel and our first grow.

So... "Hi"
Welcome to 420...sorry to hear about your wife, hope the meds help.
We also live in a less than tolerant state {AZ} just have to be careful. Enjoy!! :peace:
Hope everythimg goes well for you. Any idea what strain you are gonna get?

I ordered some seeds a few weeks ago before I had done a lot of research.

Here's what I've got:

Power Plant (Dutch Passion)
Blueberry (Dutch Passion)
Great White Shark (Green House)
Vanilla Kush (Barney's)

freebies were

Cole Train (Riserva Privada)
Rocklock (DNA)

all of the seeds are feminized except the BidBud freebies.

I'm going to try to crack 2 of my free Cole Trains first. I'm going to see if I can get them to crack, and then be big enough to put in my cloner. If that works like I hope it will, then I'll do the rest.

If all goes well, my next seed order will include Pineapple Express!
last week the wonderful wifey and I decided to partake on a little house remodel. We emptied out a spare room we had only been using to store a bunch of crap. So, we emptied it out...
Very nice! I have something that may help you out. I will pm you.

Ok dont have the ability to om so just google leafly it should help you find a strain that will benefit your wife the most!
Very nice! I have something that may help you out. I will pm you.

Ok dont have the ability to om so just google leafly it should help you find a strain that will benefit your wife the most!

Awesome, thank you very much. yeah.. I'm working diligently to get my post count up to open up the PM's.. but trying to not be overly annoying about
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We pride ourselves on being a mature marijuana forum dedicated to the spreading awareness of the benefits of MMJ and Hemp. :thumb:
The Mission of 420 Magazine is to repeal Cannabis prohibition by promoting international Cannabis awareness to the masses
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Well Hello all. I'm the wife that he is talking about.. My mom always called me Wendy when I was a kid so I made that my screen name for this site, I don't use it anywhere else.. thought it would be safe.

We are still learning a lot trying to see what will work for me. It seems we do a lot of reading!!! Thank you all for the information you have shared, know that you are appreciated!

Okay, back to learning more!
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