November's Marijuana Legalization Initiative: Imperfect, But Worthy Of Your Vote

Hogdady, Do you know the wording in the bill, pertaining to home growing ?? Thanks !!

Section 3: Lawful Activities
Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read:
Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls

(ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands.

(iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.

(iv) Possess objects, items, tools, equipment, products and materials associated with activities permitted under this subsection.
keep in mind the above is true even if your city or county says no to rec pot shops and/or commercial grows. if we get teh vote right on nov 2nd every adult of drinking age in CA can grow 25 square feet of weed per household.
keep in mind the above is true even if your city or county says no to rec pot shops and/or commercial grows. if we get teh vote right on nov 2nd every adult of drinking age in CA can grow 25 square feet of weed per household.

Thx SnowBender, excellent point!
Thx SnowBender, excellent point!
you bet Hogdady...i will add again here, it would also be tax free just like growing medicinally is now.
you bet Hogdady...i will add again here, it would also be tax free just like growing medicinally is now.
Then I will encourage all the folks I know there to get behind this bill !! That's all I ever wanted was just a small plot, even 4 plants !! And i'll be waiting for Markcastles response to this. What's wrong with that language Markcastle ??
mark never cites real info, he just sprays fud and then goes and hides back under his bridge.

none of the naysayers here on 420 make any posts about anything else, but slamming 19 with inaccurate info. they dont answer grow questions and definitely dont help the community make informed decisions.
mark never cites real info, he just sprays fud and then goes and hides back under his bridge.

none of the naysayers here on 420 make any posts about anything else, but slamming 19 with inaccurate info. they dont answer grow questions and definitely dont help the community make informed decisions.
Usless there's a provision to make changes after the passage, then it's pretty plain that you will be able to home grow a small amount, for your personal usage !! I called my niece and all my inlaws in LA last night, to tell them to vote for this bill, but it was a wasted call as they're poised and waiting. My Niece don't smoke, but everyone she knows does, and she says she don't know anyone that smokes, that will not vote for this bill, her included. It's almost like Mark is getting paid for badmouthing this bill or he's really with law inforcement !! Either way, he see's nothing right with it !! And snowbender, when they make inacturate statements, it's up to you to set the record straight !! :reading420magazine::smokin:
It's almost like Mark is getting paid for badmouthing this bill or he's really with law inforcement !!

There are quite a few well known LEOs that have spoken in favor of 19 because they know that it will reduce crime and take the money out of the Cartel's hands!
Take it now, tweak it later.

If this does not pass, it will be another big multi year (decades more likely) set back to the whole legalzation process for the rest of the country.

Don't be stupid, people! THIS GUY IS 100% correct!!!! The whole nation is watching. If it gets voted down, they will all think "a bad idea by uppity hippies..." and they will form opinions that it should not be legalized. In every revolution, nothing happens until the revolutionary is taken seriously and people begin to join up because of this.

Winning this is worth all the activism in the world -- it's a no-brainer people.

Listen up to snow bender here! This should not even be an issue or question at all. JUST DO IT!

I am hoping you do -- it was like the concealed-carry which has now swept through most states. Once they see it works, every politician will begin to consider it also. Within a few years, maybe it will catch on here in Illinois. So pipe down you California legal snobs! We need this as people of Illinois here, as much as you do!

Change the world! VOTE YES!!!
California was the first state to pass a Medical Marijuana bil in 1996. Now there are 14 states that have passed it. Because of Medical Marijuana use, the Federal Gov't has approved the use of MMJ, on Federal property, by VA patients with MMJ prescriptions. That is a huge step towards reclassifying Cannabis. THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED UNLESS CALIFORNIA LEAD THE CHARGE!

Whether you like it or not, if Cannabis is legalized here or there, somebody is going to make a lot of money from it. That is Capitalism,and more power to them! At the very least, it will take the money out of the hands of the Cartels!

Please don't buy into all of the scare tactics being promulgated. Have the courage to look at the big picture and what this vote not only means to California, but to America as a whole!

Of course, you are right Hogdaddy! Come on people, this is all psychology. Every victory counts, and this would be ONE BIG VICTORY. People like a winner! When they hear that the style-setting-state California has "LEGALIZED MARIJUANA" then the dam is BUSTED! This is the biggest thing to happen in 100 years and you DARE to get picky and question it? A litle bit at a time is how EVERYTHING happens! This is a BIG little bit, with it, the psychological tide of the nation will begin turning as it becomes legit to speak and think about legalizing it.
:hookah::hookah::hookah: It might not be perfect but it needs to pass so it can show the rest of the country that it is about time to give up the harrasment of innocent tax paying citizens who would rather smoke a joint than to pickle there bodies with alcohol. I'M VOTING YES!!! IT NEEDS TO PASS NOW.:cheer::cheer::cheer:
keep in mind the above is true even if your city or county says no to rec pot shops and/or commercial grows. if we get teh vote right on nov 2nd every adult of drinking age in CA can grow 25 square feet of weed per household.

Every adult? Are you sure? What if I want to grow my own and so do the 4 other legal adults I live with? Then that's a total of 125sq feet allowed for us by law under prop 19 in this house right? Wrong. Read it. It says per private residence. Also, before you guys go saying I can make my room my private residence by slapping a number on my bedroom door, please don't. It takes much more than that. Bedsides, why allocate a portion of my small room for growing? The authors of Prop 19 know this all too well. Which is why they are setting up shop to grow weed on an industrial scale. I'm fairly certain no one who isn't growing already is going to start because lets face it, growing some damn fine dank is pretty freakin labor intensive. The solution? Get yourself over to your nearest liquor store for a pack of "Marleys" and be done with it. Prop 19 was written for one purpose only: to create a Cannabis Aristocracy. Why else would the language be so vague on enforcement but so damn clear on cultivation? Why else would this bill leave all of the properties of prop 215 alone EXCEPT when it comes to cultivation?

So what happens when the DEA and other FEDERAL Law enforcement agencies swoop into our state? Under the letter of the Law even medical MMJ is illegal but Washington is already on record for turning the other cheek to this. If they swoop in because of 19 then not only will the recreational Marijuana infrastructures be fair game, so will all of the medical ones. That would effectively regress the medical marijuana movement. I wonder how the call for legalization in other states will change after they see California get bitch slapped by Washington on CNN. I'm sure other States will want something just like that too.

C'mon guys think about it. Don't get sucked in by the mantra of "Legal weed" like a sailor to a Siren's song. If prop 19 really was the law we've been waiting for it could be summed up in a single sentence.
"Cannabis in all its forms is legal to possess, cultivate and consume for adults 18 years of age and up in any quantity said adult sees fit"
Why couldn't Richard Lee just write something like that?
LOL... just as I suspected... everyone getting excited thinking it is a free for all. This bill if passed will land alot of people in jail and not with some ticket or fine... but felony rap sheets. Prop 19 gives power to prohibitionist's not power to the people. I wish people would wake up and see this.
Come on folks think about it the DEA only has 5500 agents. How many people smoke in California? You really think they will be able to arrest millions of people. Do they have the court space? Do they have the jail space? What about the money it would cost? The only way to totally enforce the federal law they would have to call in the army or national guard. You think Obama would go that far? He's been absolutely quiet about this. If he's going to go after every legal smoker like they go after illegal smokers now. Wouldn't he been vocally opposed to this prop from the begining?

If anyone has researched the history of prohibition you will see this is almost the exact same way california got out of that while it was still illegal under federal law. I couldn't find any thing about how the feds came in and put a stop to that.

Proposition 19 will not change or affect current medical cannabis laws or protections offered to qualified patients. Patients will still be able to possess what is needed for medical use, and patients, caregivers and medical cannabis collectives and cooperatives will retain all existing rights under Proposition 215 and SB 420 (codified at California Health & Safety Code 11362.5; 11362.7 - 11362.9). Section 2.B of Proposition 19 expressly lists as one of the initiative’s purposes: “Provide easier, safer access for patients who need cannabis for medical purposes.” Section 2.B also expressly notes that existing medical cannabis statutes will remain the law after passage of Proposition 19. Finally, none of the provisions in Proposition 19 conflict with Proposition 215 or SB 420. As a result, even in the absence of the provisions in Section 2.B of Proposition 19, Proposition 19 could not possibly provide any legal basis for limiting existing medical cannabis law. Anyone who claims that Proposition 19 will limit or overturn Proposition 215 or SB 420 in any way is either misinformed or misrepresenting the truth.

As the California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) report says, under Proposition 19, “the smoking of marijuana in the presence of minors is not permitted.” The initiative would not change laws “that prohibit possessing marijuana on the grounds of elementary, middle, and high schools. Moreover, a person age 21 or older who knowingly gave marijuana to a person age 18 through 20 could be sent to county jail for up to six months and fined up to $1,000 per offense. (The measure does not change existing criminal laws which impose penalties for adults who furnish marijuana to minors under the age of 18.The Felonies GanjaAL2 keeps talking about)” Ok so don't smoke around or give people under the age of 21 cannabis. I know that seems really really hard to some people but really is it that hard.

Your arguments against this is nothing more than fear. The same thing as the prohibitionists having been using since Harry Angslinger demonized this sacred plant 70 years ago. I wish people would wake up and see this.

We are talking about a world changing vote here. America has been the one to force other countries into prohibition. If Cali legalizes it, it will be the the ONLY place in the world with completely legal cannabis. Amsterdam only allows selling of 5 grams. Growing to provide that product to shops is illegal.

Here is something interesting You're Either For Legalizing Marijuana or You're Against It
Re: November’s Marijuana Legalization Initiative: Imperfect, But Worthy Of Your Vote

hey gangaAL2 where's the stats on these phantom arrest rates you cite all the time?

Every adult?
no,not every adult, every house can have a 25' sq rec grow. every adult can smoke and posses.

"one small step for some potheads, one giant leap for legalization!"
Come on folks think about it the DEA only has 5500 agents. How many people smoke in California? You really think they will be able to arrest millions of people. Do they have the court space? Do they have the jail space? What about the money it would cost? The only way to totally enforce the federal law they would have to call in the army or national guard. You think Obama would go that far? He's been absolutely quiet about this. If he's going to go after every legal smoker like they go after illegal smokers now. Wouldn't he been vocally opposed to this prop from the begining?

If anyone has researched the history of prohibition you will see this is almost the exact same way california got out of that while it was still illegal under federal law. I couldn't find any thing about how the feds came in and put a stop to that.

Proposition 19 will not change or affect current medical cannabis laws or protections offered to qualified patients. Patients will still be able to possess what is needed for medical use, and patients, caregivers and medical cannabis collectives and cooperatives will retain all existing rights under Proposition 215 and SB 420 (codified at California Health & Safety Code 11362.5; 11362.7 - 11362.9). Section 2.B of Proposition 19 expressly lists as one of the initiative's purposes: "Provide easier, safer access for patients who need cannabis for medical purposes." Section 2.B also expressly notes that existing medical cannabis statutes will remain the law after passage of Proposition 19. Finally, none of the provisions in Proposition 19 conflict with Proposition 215 or SB 420. As a result, even in the absence of the provisions in Section 2.B of Proposition 19, Proposition 19 could not possibly provide any legal basis for limiting existing medical cannabis law. Anyone who claims that Proposition 19 will limit or overturn Proposition 215 or SB 420 in any way is either misinformed or misrepresenting the truth.

As the California Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) report says, under Proposition 19, "the smoking of marijuana in the presence of minors is not permitted." The initiative would not change laws "that prohibit possessing marijuana on the grounds of elementary, middle, and high schools. Moreover, a person age 21 or older who knowingly gave marijuana to a person age 18 through 20 could be sent to county jail for up to six months and fined up to $1,000 per offense. (The measure does not change existing criminal laws which impose penalties for adults who furnish marijuana to minors under the age of 18.The Felonies GanjaAL2 keeps talking about)" Ok so don't smoke around or give people under the age of 21 cannabis. I know that seems really really hard to some people but really is it that hard.

Your arguments against this is nothing more than fear. The same thing as the prohibitionists having been using since Harry Angslinger demonized this sacred plant 70 years ago. I wish people would wake up and see this.

We are talking about a world changing vote here. America has been the one to force other countries into prohibition. If Cali legalizes it, it will be the the ONLY place in the world with completely legal cannabis. Amsterdam only allows selling of 5 grams. Growing to provide that product to shops is illegal.

Here is something interesting You're Either For Legalizing Marijuana or You're Against It

I can understand your disconnect being in Maryland but many of us California residents do remember the DEA searches and seizures carried out the months following the ratification of prop 215. We read about them in our local papers, watched them in our nightly news and some of us were unfortunate to be involved in some as they went down in our backyards or neighborhood grows. Keep in mind that this continues till this day but policy has officially changed and the Federal Government has decided to look the other way with medical use. The White House has already stated that they will seek to enforce Federal Law regarding recreational cannabis use. Sure the DEA only has 5500 agents and they definitely won't get everyone but you are in Maryland and their crosshairs will line up California, so I understand your empathy. You won't be one of many Federally prosecuted but for people like me who have been long time patients here in California that is a real threat. Law enforcement is not the only way the Federal Government can hamstring California. They will sue. Read the article please. This will affect all of the Federal funds California needs for schools and public services.

Also about prop 215 being intact if prop 19 passes, well I heard it straight from campaigners and proponents of 19 during Hempfest in San Jose. Prop 19 will amend some of prop 215's articles. Clearly so for cultivation. Medical patients can grow up to 72 plants in Oakland without fear of prosecution and with no real space limits. Prop 19 will amend that. ALL non-commercial grows in California will be limited to 25sq feet. Anything bigger than that and you've got to get the approval from your local government for a commercial grow and fork over whatever licensing fees and application fees they want and that's IF they allow it.
I think most people in the other states that aren't as lucky as Cali to have medical, would vote hands down on this. I have been following it since day one, and it has flaws, but it is the absolute best chance we have. I wish everyone would quit bitching about the nit picky shit and get it Fing legal.
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