Nutrient burn - Help and tips please?


New Member

how bad is the nute burn do i need to flush asap . also does it look fertilized coz brown haris are appearing as of week 3.5 into flower. any help appreciated
Re: nute burn help and tips plz

also how far dose it look till finished? and how far from bulb should i keep it its 600watt
Re: nute burn help and tips plz

Overfeeding will not only burn the tips, but also do that to the pistils (hairs), because the plant is stressed out.

It is not so bad, just give her water next time and reduced nutes after that.
Re: nute burn help and tips plz

feeding schedule and mixes feed dry dry water dry dry repeat feed floranova bloom floralicous plus earth juice catalyst. is this sifficient also no dehumidifier an its winter. using oil fin heater. also how far would u say im off. but its a random strain i guessed early finisher between 7-10 weeks (my outdoor cut) and how far from bulb 600watt hps? plz
Re: nute burn help and tips plz

She has at least 3 or 4 weeks left to go :thumb:

If you feed when the soil has dried out, that can "burn" the plant without the nutrient levels being too high.

Try not to let the soil dry out too much during flower, if it does dry out before feeding, water first and then feed once the soil has been moistened.

feed dry dry water dry dry repeat feed
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