Nutrient Calculation


Active Member
Hello to everyone,

A fertilizer I used before did all my work, but it was too expensive.

I wanted to get the most balanced and cheap fertilizers on the market and try it out.

The rates of fertilizer that I used before;
NPK - 24 6 12 - B 0,02% - Cu 0,04% - Fe 0,01% - Mn 0,05% - Mo 0,01% - Zn 0,01%

New fertilizers I bought;
NPK - 18 18 18 - B 0.01% - Cu 0.01% - Zn 0.01% / 1Kg
Micro - B 1% - Cu 1% - Fe 5% - Mn 2% - Zn 7% / 1Kg

I think it is wrong to calculate a general average and percentage because of the different weights of the elements.

I have one plant during the flowering period and one during the growth period. I have another fertilizer NPK 0-50-30 for those who are in the flowering period.

I was applying the old fertilizer so that the liter is 1.5 - 2 grams, there is no information on the new fertilizers, can you help with which grams to mix them?
I could try. I’m a little confused on what you wrote although I did just wake up so I’ll get a cup of coffee and take a look at it.

New fertilizers I bought;
NPK - 18 18 18 - B 0.01% - Cu 0.01% - Zn 0.01% / 1Kg
Micro - B 1% - Cu 1% - Fe 5% - Mn 2% - Zn 7% / 1Kg

Are these meant to be soluble (hydro) nutrients.
Is that quote above meant to list two fertilizers?

Is Zn really that high?

Where is the calcium and the magnesium. ?
I could try. I’m a little confused on what you wrote although I did just wake up so I’ll get a cup of coffee and take a look at it.

Is that meant to list two fertilizers? Is Zn really that high? Where is the calcium and the magnesium. ?

you are life saver :thanks:
I could try. I’m a little confused on what you wrote although I did just wake up so I’ll get a cup of coffee and take a look at it.

Are these meant to be soluble (hydro) nutrients.
Is that quote above meant to list two fertilizers?

Is Zn really that high?

Where is the calcium and the magnesium. ?

i am trying to make the cheapest mix for myself

Unfortunately, there is no cheap in those with magnesium and calcium. I will also add them, I think a supplement like calmag would be enough.

Yes, these are water-soluble element mixtures.


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Ok. I’ll see what I can figure out.
A couple thoughts or suggestions.

-If you have a PC (computer) there’s a free program called Hydro Buddy which can make sense of these numbers for you and help you mix and match nutrients towards desired targets. It’s been a real lifesaver for me. There’s a thread about it on the forum explaining how to use it and discussing various targets, etc.

It’s what I’m going to use now

- check if you are able to get Mega Crop in your country. They also give out free 1kg samples at least to some areas. It’s about as cheap as you are going to find for a single well balanced nutrient that works well for cannabis without a lot of fussing around.

Oh yeah one more thing. Do you have an idea of what Calmag you might use - any numbers for that?
I input these two, Rasin and Sherill, into Hydro Buddy. But I think before bothering to mess around with the numbers it makes sense to figure out the source of calcium and magnesium first. You’re not going to be able to grow without one.
Thank you for your all help

this is the closest source of calcium magnesium I can find
(NO3) 13%
(MgO) 6%
(CaO) 16.5%

I couldn't find the non-nitrogen right now :(

I downloaded Hydro Buddy on the suggestion, I am researching how to use it.

If I don't take too much time, can you process the above values?
Here is the H Buddy thread. Making Your Own Nutrient Concentrates

Skybound is around a bit. Not only that but the creator of the program recently joined the forum. Which is awesome.
It’s easy to use. There are a couple quirks to figuring it out at first but don’t be discouraged. It’s a very simple program.
- check if you are able to get Mega Crop in your country. They also give out free 1kg samples at least to some areas. It’s about as cheap as you are going to find for a single well balanced nutrient that works well for cannabis without a lot of fussing around.

You mentioned mega crop on the previous topic, yes I started mailing with them but it will take some time to reach that product :(
OK I could tell right away that there’s going to be no way to use that Cal mag source along with your other main nutrients. The nitrogen is just too way too high in both of them.

You need the P and K, and you also need the Ca and Mg. But since both bags are tied to high N levels you can’t really put them together.

I am running out of time but I can do a rough estimate skipping the calmag for now
I’m out of time but here is a very rough veg mix. About the best I could come up using your nutrients. It can at least give you a general idea what you’re looking at in terms of amounts.

Obviously it’s completely lacking the calcium and magnesium, which are essential.

Most packaged calmag products are going to have nitrogen in it- so once that is added the mix will have to be recalculated.

The targets you can see on left in the first pic are for roughly a mid veg range. They represent the total weight in grams per gallon. I used gallons because that’s how I’m used to working and that’s how all my targets are written out.
You can see that the NH4 is very high with your mix. It should be about 10% of the total nitrogen. It can cause a lot of trouble if too high.

Also your zinc is very high. No idea if that’s a problem. Probably not so much.
In fact there are a lot of things that are screwy. Some nutrients give you a fair amount of wiggle room. Others not so much.

The second page I posted mainly to show the amounts I used in the mix. 2.5 g/gallon of Rasin and 0.1 g/gallon of Sherill.

I strongly urge you to figure out the Hydro Buddy program. Between the members on this forum who know it we can definitely help you work through it. It allows you to mix and match the nutrients you have available, to come up with something workable
You did say you have a flowering mix. Perhaps that could be incorporated
There are also various options such as Epsom salts which are a good source of Mg.

I’m out of time but here is a very rough veg mix. About the best I could come up using your nutrients. It can at least give you a general idea what you’re looking at in terms of amounts.

Obviously it’s completely lacking the calcium and magnesium, which are essential.

Most packaged calmag products are going to have nitrogen in it- so once that is added the mix will have to be recalculated.

The targets you can see on left in the first pic are for roughly a mid veg range. They represent the total weight in grams per gallon. I used gallons because that’s how I’m used to working and that’s how all my targets are written out.
You can see that the NH4 is very high with your mix. It should be about 10% of the total nitrogen. It can cause a lot of trouble if too high.

Also your zinc is very high. No idea if that’s a problem. Probably not so much.
In fact there are a lot of things that are screwy. Some nutrients give you a fair amount of wiggle room. Others not so much.

The second page I posted mainly to show the amounts I used in the mix. 2.5 g/gallon of Rasin and 0.1 g/gallon of Sherill.

I strongly urge you to figure out the Hydro Buddy program. Between the members on this forum who know it we can definitely help you work through it. It allows you to mix and match the nutrients you have available, to come up with something workable
You did say you have a flowering mix. Perhaps that could be incorporated
There are also various options such as Epsom salts which are a good source of Mg.

Thank you very much for your detailed help.

Somehow I would like to send you a gift, of course a legal product :)

According to the rough calculation that I made using paper and pencil, 2.5 - 3 g of rasin and 0.1 g of sherill per gallon, same result hydro buddy.

A chemist friend recommended me to dilute sheril 100 times, but nevertheless zinc and iron are too much. I wish I had done these calculations before buying :(

I'm working on Hydro Buddy, and I'm going to experiment with adding other products I can find and buy on the market.

I think the most logical way would be to buy 27-9-18 NPK base product without micro and buy micro elements separately and prepare a mixture in this regard.

As you mentioned in the previous topic, I don't want to pay for expensive labels. I gave 130 grams of 20usd money to the last blooming fertilizer I bought. This is very unreasonable.

I can consult you again with some new ideas and thoughts. Thank you
You’re most welcome. It’s nice to pay the knowledge forward a little. @Skybound has been incredibly generous helping me out with this stuff, and also it’s sort of fun.

So far high N has been your limiting factor. The 27-9-18 will not help this.
You mentioned a bloom nute that has no nitrogen. I don’t know if you own this now but it looks like maybe you could incorporate that into the mix and get something working.
Depending your location and availability to things, I highly suggest procuring individual nutrient salts (reagents) as they will give you the most flexibility. I mix my nutes to be about on par with Megacrop, but I also enjoy the liberty to change any element's concentration as I see fit. That said, I found that the Megacrop formulation I was using was a bit too thin of P and too thick of K, so I was able to make my desired adjustment and now my garden is loving me for it.

If you are only able to get premixed products, well it is what it is and you'll have to fanangle what you have access to in Hydro Buddy. That app is so amazing because you can do a lot of tweaking to see what formulations you can make before you actually mix any of the materials.
Depending your location and availability to things, I highly suggest procuring individual nutrient salts (reagents) as they will give you the most flexibility. I mix my nutes to be about on par with Megacrop, but I also enjoy the liberty to change any element's concentration as I see fit. That said, I found that the Megacrop formulation I was using was a bit too thin of P and too thick of K, so I was able to make my desired adjustment and now my garden is loving me for it.

If you are only able to get premixed products, well it is what it is and you'll have to fanangle what you have access to in Hydro Buddy. That app is so amazing because you can do a lot of tweaking to see what formulations you can make before you actually mix any of the materials.

Hi Skybound

The products I can find separately are at least 25kg packages and this is very costly.

Almost all previously prepared products do not contain calcium, and all of their calcium supplements contain plenty of nitrogen. This disrupts the whole balance.

I can supply some products in small packages separately, like iron and zinc. But I still haven't been able to find other products. I want to do it this way and enjoy having control while doing this job. I cannot reach any supplier by phone, especially because of the corona virus :(

I have to continue with expensive products again, but I think I will solve it as soon as possible.

I plan to base a fertilizer that does not contain calcium and magnesium which is low in nitrogen and make minor adjustments with nitrogen calcium magnesium supplement and KH2PO4. I think this will be the right method.
If you are able to order from the USA, we have a site called CustoHydroNutrients(dot)com that sells small quantities of every individual nutrients and they are shipping during this COVID crisis as I just got a delivery of calcium nitrate and monopotassium phosphate, 4lbs each. Micro nutrients you could get a half pound of each and be set for LIFE. I literally will NEVER again buy micro nutrients and I can make any formulation I want. If you can't order from USA for whatever reason, try to find any of the following;

Calcium Nitrate
Monopotassium Phosphate
Monoammonium Phosphate
Potassium Silicate
Magnesium Nitrate
Magnesium Sulfate
Potassium Sulfate
Potassium Nitrate

Otherwise, as Weaselcracker said in a previous post, Megacrop is a really good all in one product and can definitely be a stand alone product. It works better when supplemented with calmag and silica, it will still do just fine without those.
If you are able to order from the USA, we have a site called CustoHydroNutrients(dot)com that sells small quantities of every individual nutrients and they are shipping during this COVID crisis as I just got a delivery of calcium nitrate and monopotassium phosphate, 4lbs each. Micro nutrients you could get a half pound of each and be set for LIFE. I literally will NEVER again buy micro nutrients and I can make any formulation I want. If you can't order from USA for whatever reason, try to find any of the following;

Calcium Nitrate
Monopotassium Phosphate
Monoammonium Phosphate
Potassium Silicate
Magnesium Nitrate
Magnesium Sulfate
Potassium Sulfate
Potassium Nitrate

Otherwise, as Weaselcracker said in a previous post, Megacrop is a really good all in one product and can definitely be a stand alone product. It works better when supplemented with calmag and silica, it will still do just fine without those.

I contacted several new suppliers.

I have the opportunity to take all the chemicals you wrote above in small quantities.

Do I need all of them to create my own nutrition mix? Or would it be enough to supply some of them?

I also think that I will need micro elements other than these elements,but I think if I buy a suitable mix it will work for a long time.

thank you for all help

be safe
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