Little information needed for plants

what i can do to improve myself

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Hello i have some troubles and i will wait for your answers im 100% sure there will be similar to my post in forum but anyway i will feel free to ask i'm new for indoor growing i used to grow outside but now its too cold now i for my 2 seeds Bloody Skunk and Jack Herer today is 4th day since i got the seeds germination process all i do is to put my 2 seed in water for 12 hours until they sink after 12 hours i leave them in wet paper towek between two plates in warm place near 25-26 C degrees and yesterday they cracked and got Jack Herer 2mm long taproot and Bloody skunk near 5 mm taproot i pin them in dirt yesterday i wasnt sure do i have to pin them in dirt exactly when they crack this mornig i cheked how wet are my ladyes and they are not damp in soil i made out my homemade co2 system with yeast sugar and water and another co2 with vinegar water and baking soda in my box and now my questions are when should i start my exhoust system and how much time i should wait until my plants sprout and i promise not to touch my seed anymore to chek how they develop root system anymore any advices suggestions and info about this strains would be nice they are autoflower both of them should be rdy in 10 weeks now i got 4-5 days since i start germ. them and they arent pop-ed out i want to make total amount of yeild near 100 grams for both plants im using for now 3 Cfl 25 watt 2700k 25 watt 6400k and 15w 6400k i got uva-uvb near 6% 25w and my plan is to put on three or four cfl 100watt 6400k 2x and 2700k 2x when i got second set of leaves is that right and what i can else do about my plants i also have 2 more seeds bluberry kush and nothern light blue any advices will be welcomed please dont judgde me for bad language please !:Namaste::420: also i know from my grandmother little sugar in water i use will help them germ. faster is that true ??? i got nutreins NPK 5-6-8 also this have 0.008%Cu 0,03%Fe;0.015%mn 0.002%Mo and 0.015%Zn other is for floweng plants recomended for start N13% nitrogen nitrate 8.55 amonium nitrate 8,55 mg 2% Phosphorus 5% Boron 0,01% k2o 30% iron edta FE 0,05% cu0.02 zn 0.02 mn 0.05 mo 0.001 when and how should i use them >? little help here
Hello i have some troubles and i will wait for your answers im 100% sure there will be similar to my post in forum but anyway i will feel free to ask i'm new for indoor growing i used to grow outside but now its too cold now i for my 2 seeds Bloody Skunk and Jack Herer today is 4th day since i got the seeds germination process all i do is to put my 2 seed in water for 12 hours until they sink after 12 hours i leave them in wet paper towek between two plates in warm place near 25-26 C degrees and yesterday they cracked and got Jack Herer 2mm long taproot and Bloody skunk near 5 mm taproot i pin them in dirt yesterday i wasnt sure do i have to pin them in dirt exactly when they crack this mornig i cheked how wet are my ladyes and they are not damp in soil i made out my homemade co2 system with yeast sugar and water and another co2 with vinegar water and baking soda in my box and now my questions are when should i start my exhoust system and how much time i should wait until my plants sprout and i promise not to touch my seed anymore to chek how they develop root system anymore any advices suggestions and info about this strains would be nice they are autoflower both of them should be rdy in 10 weeks now i got 4-5 days since i start germ. them and they arent pop-ed out i want to make total amount of yeild near 100 grams for both plants im using for now 3 Cfl 25 watt 2700k 25 watt 6400k and 15w 6400k i got uva-uvb near 6% 25w and my plan is to put on three or four cfl 100watt 6400k 2x and 2700k 2x when i got second set of leaves is that right and what i can else do about my plants i also have 2 more seeds bluberry kush and nothern light blue any advices will be welcomed please dont judgde me for bad language please !:Namaste::420: also i know from my grandmother little sugar in water i use will help them germ. faster is that true ??? i got nutreins NPK 5-6-8 also this have 0.008%Cu 0,03%Fe;0.015%mn 0.002%Mo and 0.015%Zn other is for floweng plants recomended for start N13% nitrogen nitrate 8.55 amonium nitrate 8,55 mg 2% Phosphorus 5% Boron 0,01% k2o 30% iron edta FE 0,05% cu0.02 zn 0.02 mn 0.05 mo 0.001 when and how should i use them >? little help here
little more about things i have i allready told i about my cfl plan now for other things i have homemade active carbon filter with exhoust fan (bathroon exhoust fan i use beacouse its better then pc fan and i got it for free ) my box how its 85 65 50 sm for first 3 or 4 weeks i think will be better after this i will make bigger form stereiohohirus and i will made other poormans guid if seeds pop-ed out for now i need tips and more info for what i can do ? more
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