Oregon Should Grow and Sell Pot to Medical Users, Lawmakers Say

Republicans and Democrats have found one issue they can agree on -- the state should be responsible for growing medicinal marijuana, not patients or caregivers.

A new bill working its way through committee would transfer to the state responsibilities of cultivating, harvesting and dispensing medical pot.

"Our current system isn't working and we need to move quickly to protect patient safety," said Rep. Don Maurer, R-Grants Pass.

House Bill 3247 would direct the state to establish and operate a marijuana production facility. The state would control potency and pharmacy distribution.

Pharmacies would in turn provide the prescribed doses to cardholders and primary caregivers.

And to pay for it all, the legislation would impose a $98-per-ounce pot tax.

"Oregonians have voted to authorize the use of medical marijuana, yet the Legislature has failed to provide adequate safeguards for citizens who have a legitimate need for it," said Rep. Carolyn Tomei, D-Milwaukie.

HB 3247 would also eliminate private medical marijuana grow sites.

Pot farmers have been investigated and arrested across the state for illegally selling marijuana to those without a medical prescription.

Medical marijuana cultivators have also been targeted by burglars, lawmakers said.

"If passed into law, this legislation will implement safe standards to dispense the drug through a tightly-controlled system," said Rep. Jim Thompson, R-Dallas.

Beaverton Democratic Rep. Chris Barker said the bill would bring pot off the streets and into a "safer and more secure environment."

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: KGW-TV
Contact: KGW-TV
Copyright: 2009 KGW-TV
Website: Oregon Should Grow and Sell Pot to Medical Users, Lawmakers Say
I ran out of expletives in my head as I was reading this. They are just damn lucky that Cannabis users are generally non-violent. The majority that voted in the MMJ law need to get these particular legislators off of the public dole. What a bunch of anal orifices.
It is as it was before after Prohibition ended in 1933. Oregon formed the OLCC " Oregon Liquer Control Commission" all persons over 21 were required to get an OLCC card. This gain entry into bars as well as buying beer or wine in a grocery store, but had to purchase hard alcohol from a OLCC store,as it still is today. Up until 1972 I believe is when the required OLCC card program was abolished. This is a very blatant attempt for the State of Oregon to gain control of all Cannabis Production, Distribution, Sales and Tax Revenue dollars collected. The fear is that if any Cannabis measure passes like in California for Dispensaries to operate, the State of Orfegon will lose Millions of Tax Base revenue on top of profit of racketeering the own Cannabis Business. What Right of Free Enterprise would this or could this create?
^^ Interesting info Cherma. What really really really bothers me (many things about this bother me, and really bother me), is they say it's for the safety of the patients. What a crock. It's about control and money. Just like allowing people to kill themselves with cigs and booze is about control and money. Growing your own or trusting close friends / caregivers to grow your medicine, will assure safety and efficacy of Cannabis as medicine.

$98 dollars an ounce. So the bloated bureaucracy this would create needs 3x the actual cost to produce for overhead. Way to stick it to sick people. :rolleyes3
if you look at what is happening in Canada with gov grown shwag its pretty pathetic. Something like 20% of legal users accept it but the rest go elsewhere, so it must be pretty bad. In the early days the put the whole plant in a blender, how fucked up is that?
This will only serve to keep the black market and the cartel alive. Which will keep the prices up and mmp in fear of getting proper medication. To put growing canibus in th
Wow prices are getting higher everyday. They will have to do something about that or i will just go to my friendly neighborhood dealer who gives out discounts and deals.
Yes, let's not think and follow the government like a god.
That's what it's for, right. To take care of us and control our lives so we don't have to think for our selves or worry.
Belive me, when the state takes control it will be illegal to grow your own, because they are not collecting revinue. When laws are put into place, they are very hard to remove. Especially when it means the state will lose revinue.
When the government takes control; we lose it.
The problem with not "thinking" (only living in the moment) is that our enemies / detractors are working night and day to harm the cause of legalization. I suggest that we all think harder, look at the bigger picture. Groups like 420Magazine.com, MPP, NORML are focused and have a plan for implementation. Without organizations like this, without "thinking" about the future and the past, our efforts are futile.

Sabin, this bill would be a step backwards for the Oregon MMJ laws. It does nothing to change the legal status of Cannabis in Oregon or the USA, except to add restrictions on legal users. This takes the production out of the hands of the patients and caregivers and puts it under control of a state bureaucracy. Trust the government? When they've proven over and over that they feel threatened by the blessed herb and will do everything possible to counter the will of the people? Efforts like this take trust away. Consistent behavior over time builds trust.

This isn't the time to give up and be satisfied with the current status. With a snowballing public opinion in favor of MMJ, decriminalization, and even complete legalization, it's time to turn up the heat.

Yes, I agree we just need it legal, but we need it legal on our terms, not on the terms of people who have contradicting personal agendas and who hope to profit. That's my ideal.

I support the efforts to legalize and tax it in California, but I hope the good citizens don't let it stop there. Government Marihuana is for people who have no other choice. The basic overriding law of the land should be that Cannabis and it's extracts have no regulations associated with them whatsoever, beyond protecting children and other innocents. Unfettered production, consumption and gifting should be the standard. If you sell it you're subject to taxation on your profits just like any other business. My 2 cents. :peace:
there are many differnt measures/innitiutives right now in Oregon, and if you look at them carefully; none that are written in the name of government are worth a crap. Lets see...
They want me to tell my boss anytime I smoke so he can decide if I am sober enough in HIS opinion to work, or to be fired.
they want to allow employers to fire patients of the OMMP on the grounds that they have a drug free work place (how many executives drink wine at lunch? or have a bottle of any medicine in their desk? what about coffee? Red Bull!!) The word drug is misleading to begin with.
Oh yeah and the 98 dollar tax.......hah what a joke. That would be the state tax, what about county and city taxes? And what is the "base" price going to be, prior to taxes? If this passes will they just throw out the other 30 something changes they are trying to make as we speak? What else could these idiots be spending their time on (my time actually since I pay their wages) instead of attacking us? Maybe they could be working on creating jobs or health care for the poor. Rather than looking for a FREE BUCK they should quit wasting the money that they do have and use it in a wiser fashion.

I am really disgusted as I am just a poor student with medical issues, who spent all my cash on being self sufficient and now the government wants to strip that away and force me to beg them for meds. I say Hell NO. Keep your hands outa my health.
You know what would really HELP rather than just fuck everyone over? If the state produced bud for patients and still let the caregivers and patients grow it. Basically, let it be normal capitalism; if I can grow better bud than the state (if... lmfao.. course I can) and it's profitable for patients to go to me rather than buy from the state, I stay in business! If for some reason the state produces some KIND herb for pennies on the dollar, then more power to them and patients will have a supply of good, cheap bud.. but I really doubt it's going to be organic lol.:ganjamon: Oh.. I really doubt the state's going to beat 250 an ounce anyways :rollit:
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