Our Ongoing Grows


Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday Miss Janet.
Happy birthday to you.
And many mooooooore.


I’m sure by this time of the day you’re feeling awlfully special. :battingeyelashes:

Good. :hug::hug::hug:
Man, it's storming here... Hail, thunder, and a downpour...

I got a feeling the Cripit will lose afew branches.. She looks sad out there.. But the rain stopped finally. And she looks sad as fuck... Lucky Miss J ran out there and wrapped the plant with some vinyl tape to hold them up.. I was gonna... I swear,, but I did hear the rain and hail stop before her.......

Least I don't have to water the front lawn??????????????
I know Miss J thanks the well wishes;;

but now pray for a recovery of the Beast...

Man, we got hammered bad''''''' with that freak storm last night...

That Cripit is one plant I didn't do any of my serious pruning on... The plants that got alittle off the top''''' had nice hardy stemage,, and look 100%. That is why I like to prune my plants abit... Like 3-4 nodes down to hardier stems which make for stronger branches that don't need to be tied up.... . And I'll have to prune one more time before flowers onset....

And to think the kids were just swimming in the pool in the sun, and I fired up the BBQ acouple hours earlier. I did know it might be coming,,,, but I never seen a cloud until she hit,,, or I'd have taken afew precautions and pulled that Cripit in outta the weather.....

That Cripit,, I was grooming for a monster... She had''''''' long ass stems coming out from the bottom and was going to be a yielder... Had might' be the keyword.......... And I did have plans on starting to put some 10' bamboo stakes in, and tieing up the major branches in the next few days seeing they were going to need support soon anyways......

Mother nature might have fixed that for me already...

It rained so hard I forgot and left the bedroom door open abit,, and gutters filled and overflowed from the roof onto the patio roof, then overflowed them gutters,,, and soaked the floor with a couple of inches,,, so it seems like at the door in our bedroom... All that in under 5 minutes..... And I do have an enclosed patio over that door,, so was a HELLA rain mixed with marble-sized hail...

I bet the Columbia River is moving like a bat outta hell about now........

OH WELL,,, just have to wait till tomorrow to see the damage and fix what I can... Sure ain't going to tonight. Ain't going to matter...

It will be,,,,, what it should be............ if that makes sense???????
All things in their right time. :hug:

It’s good at a time like this to remember that things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.

Extra hugs. :hug::hug::hug:
And keep expecting a monster. :hug:
...Hey Cali, I have been following your thread for over a year but never really commented on anything.. Sometimes you just gotta keep you mouth shut. If you wouldn't mind I would like to make a small comment on " Chicken Shit "...
... I really feel that because some inexperienced growers have used it improperly it gets a really bad rap as far as it's potential negative effects on plants.. I use animal feces such as goat and cow in my compost piles, in moderation, and have had enormous amounts of success both in growth and yield. However it is SUPER potent, and should never be applied to plants in its original form.. I will just say that the way I use it is in two ways...
... First I apply to compost in a minor way, over a year before I plan to use the pile.. I till it several times adding lots of other organics to it such as bananas, coffee, and etc. I think we all know how to build a basic compost pile. That being said I still cut it down with Pro Mix and Perlite at a ratio of 5:2 ( Pro Mix and Perlite to Compost ).
... Second way I use it is to take about 1.5 cups of Chicken Poop and mix it with a 2 liter of Sprite and let it steep over night.. Then I strain it with a fine strainer lined with coffer filter... After that I split equally between two five gallon pails and fill the remaining empty area with hot water and used tea bags. ( I have an older sister, and PLENTY of used tea bags ). I then put a lid on it that has the paint pour spout and let is sit for approximately two weeks stirring several times in the process. At this point you could PROBABLY apply it to mature plants OUTDOORS via the soil soak method to insure that it doesn't touch any greenery.. But I take the mix and remove tea bags then divide it from two buckets to five buckets equally and again fill with water... At this point it should be in the area of 14 to 18 percent Nitrogen... Very suitable for growing plants..
.. This is ONLY my opinion based on my experience, and as with any new methods should be investigated by the person or persons who may try it out..
.. Green day to all and thanks for letting me use your platform Cali...
your 100% right there Mister @MaddHacker but people unknowing fall into that more is better.. Me being one,,,,, have to learn how to handle it... It does tend to bee alittle hot.. I use to live down in Arkansas and was still REALLY green to growing,,, matter a fact I was better at making moonshine'''' but I found this perfect place on the river bank right down from where we ran stills.. The dirt left alone was some of the most fertile soil around,, being Mississippi River flood topsoils from up northwards. So I tried growing some RazorBud....But always one to overdo something,,,, well everything,, I dug these holes, and brang in some amendments. One thing they got in Arkansas is ALOT of chicken shit. And I used alot,,, and some fish''' well alot,, after cleaning them out and ton of blood and crushed bone from a local pig slaughterhouse. I mixed at this shit with some peat and then local soil... Man i bet nothing still grows there....... I had like 20-30 2' plants I threw in them holes....... Had being the keyword... I watched them plants leaves curl and crisp up nicely...

But I fully agree,, yes it really is a great amendment. Fresh,, be careful But like said in compost is sure mingles into that nice microbial soup know as LOS compost. And even fresh's good in moderation...

Something I'm still trying to do... Oh this ain't a AA Meeting... So I can stop Moderating where my glass...........

I've also had to learn my lessons using Blood Meals and Steer Manure too... But if your buying each amendment,,, it takes a good while to go thru a bag on Chicken Shit.

Goat shit is something I've not been around nor heard of in most's soils recipes.. Not that I doubt the benefits. just something most don't talk about...

BTW I think the Cripit will be fine... Miss J saved the day...

She's reaching for the sky as I slowly cut afew of the ties Miss J wrapped, she did like 4-5 turns around with 3-4 bamboo stakes around the perimiter.. and I don't see any branches broke 'yet'. But she is kind of tilted over in one direction and will need abit of coaching to straighten out over the next month. Fully soaked with water,,, she weighed a ton and turned into the Leaning Tower of Pizza. Least I think that's how it's spelled or I had enough to drink?????? Naw...... I'm still here....

But I'm going to try to hit the hay.. The flower room looks depressing.. 2 plants I fried every sun leaf off but forgetting to water. Man, that Strawberry Amnesia was a monster too,,, as was the Puppy.. The Puppy is doing ok???? and then I have that Gelato just starting to flower........... But then the room empty so I'm going to do the Grassfire OG in there... She is a sparse plant, it ypical fashion,, so clones are going to be really slim. But all in all,,, she is abit slimmer than what I'm looking for.. But tomorrow I'll uppot her and figure something,,, but she's all I have to throw in there. Besides a little auto or a newborn pup,,, which I need for clones.... And one mystery plant... I forgot to label her??????? OH well Keepem Green All
Goat shit is something I've not been around nor heard of in most's soils recipes.. Not that I doubt the benefits. just something most don't talk about...
After about 28 years of growing, to me manure is manure. It is really only important to know if they grass feed or grain feed.. The former is the only manure I use, the latter is just recycled grain and tends to draw parasitic bugs and Molds..
My X's father bought a goat in hopes it wood keep the weeds down in the yard,,, but them SOB's wood rather climb the apple tree, they ate everything cept what he wanted them for.. Ended up BBQing it.

Just about every waste or body has some sort of goodies in it.. Some take a long ass time to break down,, some instant.. I'm no kind of wealth of info about organics. I just know what kinds of works for me..

Remember I do throw some Marine Cuisine in there. And that shit has alittle of everything in it... And lasts thru veg cycle on its own.

Ok a fast pic or two. This is the first casualty in the branch department. I''m still opening her up but you can see the Elmers glue drop dried on it. I pumped it full as I cut it off.. I'm not going to try to save any branches.. It they got that weak,,, imagine they'd be one of the problems later in life..

And you can see the lean the Cripit took with all that water weight during the storm..

But I plan on taking acouple more branches to kind of balance out the plant... I do need clones???????

That's all for now... I did throw that Grassfire OG in. I'll have to see if she has a smaller lower branch worth cutting. But she is a lean plant and she was all I had to throw in there....
Things are sure moving ahead. How are temps running in your room? Manageable with AC?
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