Outdoor Growth

They stop stretching around middle flower which is exactly the point when metabolism changes a bit although not that much. But you have strains which are slow in veg and which shoot up a lot in flower, these you have to be worried about :tokin:
Thanks Conrad

I have one girl, a THC Bomb planted outside next to my garage. Breeder said she should only grow to 5 or 6 feet tall, although there was a 1 in 10 chance of getting a sativa phenol that would be taller.

This girl is in a 25 gallon pot of organic super soil and is already over 4 and 1/2 feet tall LOL
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When a plant goes into flower it usually stops growing vertically and puts almost all of its energy into growing buds and filling out sideways. The vegetative stage is where the plant does 80-90% of its stem & leaf growth so it can then maximise it's bud production by focusing on that in the flowering stage, so yes your plant will stop growing taller eventually. Apparently in the last few weeks of flowering there is absolutely, 100%, no chance that it will gain any height whatsoever as it puts every drop of it's energy into it's buds. But during the first week or two of flowering most plants will experience a 'stretch' where the stems elongate. I don't know why this is exactly but I can tell you that the amount of stretch is strain dependent. Indicas will not stretch much if anything at all, whereas Sativa's may stretch 1-2m and potentially double in height. Hybrid strains are somewhere in between.

I grow in southern England, UK where we don't get a natural 12/12 light schedule until mid September. Well it's exactly 12/12 on Sep 21st to be precise but plants will usually start flowering around 1-2 weeks before that as it will be 12.5/11.5 around Sep 7th which is usually a sufficient amount of darkness to still trigger flowering (doesn't have to be exactly 12/12). Because I am only a few weeks into flower tho I can't tell you for sure whether my plants have stopped growing upwards/taller, but I think they have. They are Indica/Sativa hybrids but the stretch has still been minimal. If I had to guess I would say they have stretched 4-6 inches (10-15%) at the very most since they started flowering which is hardly anything. Like I said tho, I don't know if the 'stretch' has finished yet, in fact it is hard to even tell if they have stretched at all. You would definitely notice on a pure Sativa though. Do you know if your plants have experienced this stitch yet? Once they have finished stretching, vertical growth is completely finished as they will be putting all their energy into bud production.
Hey GD

Its been quite awhile since I started this thread and have learned much in the meantime LOL All my girls are near ready to harvest now and that girl didn't turn out to be the tallest by no means. If memory serves, she topped out around 7 feet tall and about 6 feet across but I have others taller and more like Christmas trees ranging from 6 feet to ten feet tall :)
Hey GD

Its been quite awhile since I started this thread and have learned much in the meantime LOL All my girls are near ready to harvest now and that girl didn't turn out to be the tallest by no means. If memory serves, she topped out around 7 feet tall and about 6 feet across but I have others taller and more like Christmas trees ranging from 6 feet to ten feet tall :)

Great to hear you had some awesome results. This year will be my first OD grow. I have some ak48 and mazar seeds on the way. Years ago I used to grow indoors and controlling plant height is very important there as well. I used 2x2 screening to control their veg stage and the flowering stretch. I plan on doing the same with my outdoor ladies. Thanks for sharing that grow.
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