Outdoor Plants


Well-Known Member
I cloned several females in my latest grow. One of these clones I placed outdoors and with the exception of two waterings with Fox Farm Week 7 mix, I just gave it water from the hose and it got several soakings from rainstorms. It is a female and it showed its buds quite a while ago. It only grew about 12" tall and not it's like one solid, sticky bud from top to bottom. I am so tempted to harvest it but I want some seeds and I sprinkled some pollen I gathered from a male plant on it a few weeks ago. It appears to be reacting to this as the buds are really swelling up now but I still don't see anything like seeds yet. There is no doubt that it looks different from before I pollinated it.

I am going to give more time to produce seeds. So how long should I expect to wait after pollination to insure the seeds have fully developed?

I also mention this because as much time and effort as I put into my indoor grow, this little mama did it's thing with very little effort on my part and it's small enough that so far at least, the bugs have ignored it and the nosy neighbors have not spotted it.
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