Perris - City Council Approves Marijuana Ballot Measures

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
It is fully expected that Californians will be able to cast their vote this November on a ballot measure that will permit recreational marijuana use in the state.

On Tuesday, June 14, the Perris City Council saw to it that the voters of that city will get a say in how dispensaries in the city will be taxed and regulated - whether the product is medical or recreational cannabis.

The five-member council approved a package of resolutions that will place two measures on the November ballot - one for the taxing of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city and the other for the oversight of those enterprises.

"An important item to understand about these two ordinances is that they both are set up so that later, if the city council wants to repeal or amend anything in these two ordinances, they can still do so, notwithstanding voter approval," said Chris Neumeyer, an attorney for the city.

The tax resolution the council was considering required a two-thirds majority to make it to the ballot, which equated to four votes of the council.

More than one council member noted they had their own personal beliefs on the issue, but felt that it was best to set those aside and put the matter before the voters.

"This has been a challenge for myself," said Councilwoman Tonya Burke. "My husband and I we have ongoing debates about this subject. And individuals within the community have come forward and said, (they are) for it, against it, and have provided a number of great reasons on both sides of the table.

"But I think it's responsible leadership for us to allow the voters to have that say."

Both the tax and regulatory resolutions passed 4-1, with Councilwoman Rita Rogers casting the nay vote. She noted that dispensaries are currently operating in Palm Springs, Cathedral City and Desert Hot Springs.

"I don't think Perris should be the first city in the Inland Empire ... to jump on this bandwagon," said Rogers.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Perris - City Council Approves Marijuana Ballot Measures
Author: Tom Sheridan
Contact: (951) 684-1200
Photo Credit: Progress File
Website: The Press Enterprise
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