PH of 6.0


New Member
Should I dump this gallon and start over? It is not advisable to add PH up once you have added PH down is it?

I added a 1/4 tspn of PH down to a gallon of tap water that had been sitting out over 24hrs and it went down from a 7.6 to a 6.0. The directions on the bottle said to add a 1/4 tspn to a gallon. Well, those directions are crap. At least in my case.

I know this is too low as I have read you want a 6.5 to 7.0 Course I have seen that vary too depending on what you read. So, do I dump the gallon and start over? I'm thinking yes.
Start over...or
Split it in half and make two, one gallon jugs?

Yeah man I think I will just dump it and start over. I like to get a PH of around 6.5 At least that's what I have been using and seems to be doing just fine.

Thanks guys for your help.

One more question. When adding nutes, you want your PH to be a little higher because the run off is going to be a little lower correct? Or is it the other way around? I read about it somewhere but man I can't find it. I shoot for a PH of 6.5 using straight water. Would I still shoot for a PH of 6.5 with nutes added?
Yes, and make sure you add all your nutes before you get your ph adjusted...:peace:
When it comes to tap water, do you guys have a preference as to adjust the PH? I mean, do you set it aside wait for the chlorine to evaporate first before adjusting the PH? Or does it really matter and can you do it right away? May seem like a stupid question to ask but just wanted to get an opinion on whether it's best to wait or ok to go ahead and adjust it and then let it sit.
When it comes to tap water, do you guys have a preference as to adjust the PH? I mean, do you set it aside wait for the chlorine to evaporate first before adjusting the PH? Or does it really matter and can you do it right away? May seem like a stupid question to ask but just wanted to get an opinion on whether it's best to wait or ok to go ahead and adjust it and then let it sit.

depends on your water supply. some cities water treatment facilities have removed chlorine from the treatment process and replaced it with can probably go on your suppliers site to find out...
My tap water was horrible (580 ppm) ,I started using bottled water and have been fine . It cost a bit but untill I get a RO setup it works fine for me .. I may try those filter setups they have outside of most grocery stores , it runs 1.50 for 5 gal. I just don't know how that water is yet?! :peace:
Should I dump this gallon and start over? It is not advisable to add PH up once you have added PH down is it?

I added a 1/4 tspn of PH down to a gallon of tap water that had been sitting out over 24hrs and it went down from a 7.6 to a 6.0. The directions on the bottle said to add a 1/4 tspn to a gallon. Well, those directions are crap. At least in my case.

I know this is too low as I have read you want a 6.5 to 7.0 Course I have seen that vary too depending on what you read. So, do I dump the gallon and start over? I'm thinking yes.

No you don't brother 6 to 6.5 for soil is good and if you ph it up just add water to dilute it.
My tap water was horrible (580 ppm) ,I started using bottled water and have been fine . It cost a bit but untill I get a RO setup it works fine for me .. I may try those filter setups they have outside of most grocery stores , it runs 1.50 for 5 gal. I just don't know how that water is yet?! :peace:

Did you actually try your water first? 1100ppm water

Sure did, it was a pain in the ass, it wouldn't hold ph stable, no problems since I use bottled water...
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