ph way too low


New Member
Ive been having what I thought were nute issues...turned out to be ph...flushed with tons of water...runoff is 4 - 5...been feeding them at 6.5 I need to feed them a ph of 9 to bring it where I want it???..I grow in pro-mix...nutes are GH one part series...thx people :)..I have about 15 plants showing advanced symptoms...about midway thru flowering...and stupidly didnt use dolomite...(Im still a noob)
Hi wifi,

There are others far more qualified than I to answer your question, but thought I'd give your post a bump and hopefully avoid you feeling all alone! LOL

I think I would be hesitant to water with a super high PH hoping to bring the soil PH up. I might try something little higher than normal - say 7.5'ish, but not as high as you suggested. Any chance you can get some fast acting lime and top dress the soil or peat moss?

I think Regular lime for the yard will take too long to break down to mitigate the ph issue quickly. Since I don't know your location this may not apply, but I found some fast acting (labeled "fast acting") at Lowes in a 6 pound bag for $5. or $6 bucks. It's 95% CaCo3 and works very quickly.

Good luck and hang in there!
thank you my lime will do it??? would mixing some with soil and topping off my containers work??? can I just mix some with water and water as normal??? lol...sorry for all the questions :p
No worries as to questions wifi, that's how we all learn. Yes, lime will increase the PH. Yes, mixing with a little soil and topping off your containers would definately work. Yes, I often add some to the water I'm going to use to water plants. I usually put it in a sock or some other porous container and let it sit in the water for a couple days before watering. I did put too much in once and let it sit for almost a week between waterings and really shocked the plants.

It was that experience that led me to make the suggestion of avoiding using really high ph water. I suggest a teaspoon or so per gallon of water would probably get you into the ph range your looking for. The lime mixed in the soil will take a little longer to break down and leach into the soil below but should help stabilise your ph over the next several weeks as your girls finish up.

Happy growing!
Alright, I went and got some dolomite lime, pulverized, cost three bucks...I took out as much of the soil in each container as I could, just to where I was exposing the top roots, then topped it off with fresh pro-mix with lime...then I watered them with lime water...the next week will tell if it made any difference...
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