Please help me diagnose this problem

Just looking

New Member
Soil plant magic
Ph 6.5
plagron terra grow 0.5 mil to Lt
Lite 4ft t5
Here are a couple charts to help get you started.



How far is the light from the plants? How old are the plants? What is the light schedule?

Just a few more questions to answer to help find the problem. :peace:
The lights are approximately 5 inches away lit s on 24/0
Plants about a month old
Not that I think this is your problem, but I feel all my plants need some dark time. My veg plants are on an 18/6 cycle. With my LEDs the plants require more Cal/Mag. You may be starting to show a deficiency there. :peace:

Funny you mention that about week ago add cal/mag give baby's epsom salts seem nice green now

If you want me to take more pictures of the plans I will
I had a lot of "rust" on my first grow. It was one isolated plant with a different medium than the others. I was watering with an optimal pH, but the soil/runoff pH was very low. It turned out to be a Calcium lockout. Have you checked runoff pH?

It's 6.5
Any chance a few water spots could have got of the leaves with the lights on? I don't think this would be the issue, but it's a possibility that they magnified the light, burning the leaves. Maybe others will chime in.

On a side note, it looks like you may have a bit of nitrogen toxicity, as the leaves are starting to "claw" down, and they look pretty dark green. It's hard to tell from the pictures through.
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