Please identify Hermie or not?


New Member
Hi all, am a new grower attached are the pics from my autoflower plant (+speed from sweet seeds). Kindly let me know if my plant turned hermie.



Hi Rowdy. I don't see any signs of it being hermie in the picture. Those are swollen calyxes you see that look a bit like balls. They may be polinated and have seeds forming in them- or may be empty but swollen a bit larger than normal, as they sometimes are naturally. Pick some open and see. Immature seeds are white and soft. If pollinated, the pollen either came from male flowers somewhere in the vicinity, or from hermie flowers in the area or elsewhere on the plant. Hope this helps. :)
Thanks for the info mate, but i only have one plant currently growing in balcony there are no male plants around or any plant for that matter.
Yeah- in that case- it's just normal empty calyxes which look a little swollen, or- if they're swollen because they are pollinated -you have hermie flowers elsewhere in the plant. There's no reason to think it's a hermie but I'd pry open a calyx or two just for fun
I don't see signs of hermie, but plant is good.
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