Possible overwatering help needed


Well-Known Member
Hey there all, take all is well...

I have 3 plants growing outside, roughly about 2-3 weeks old, not sure if that makes them seedling or in the vegs state but any how.. One is growing in a very small container and the other two in a big pot... Now we have been having some heavy rain the last two weeks and the one seems to be wilting, is she gonna be okay? I moved her under the roof by the lapa for now till this rain subsides.. The other two i left in the pot for now as they look okay.. Any thoughts or input..

Here is some photos:


This is the one im most concerned about at the moment.. As you can se leave are curling in and the bottoms ones seem to be dying.. Is this from the excessive water from the rain? And will she make it now that i moved her to undercover?


These are the other two i have in a big pot, they look okay..

I plan on moving all three inside into my grow cabinet when my setup is done..

What you guys think?

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Hi mate, the two you have growing in the big pot. How big would you ideally want them to grow? They are close together, would maybe cause you some issues later down the road?

As for the curly, could be overwatered as you said.

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Hey TitanEntity, the two in the big pot will be transplanted into there own containers by the end of this week and moved indoor into my cabinet, so then they should be fine.. Just hope the other one makes it.. I started germinating another 3 seeds this morning... Will start with at least 6 plants as i don't know wether they gonna turn out male or female.. Hopefully at least 2 ends up being female..

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It's good to hear you have motives to transplant the 2 plants in the large pot. Are the roots in rock wool? I could warn caution in waiting to long to transplant as you would want to cause as little root damage as possible.

I'm sure they will all turn out to be just fine. These plants are fairly hardy.

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I stand to be corrected, it's just something i read awhile ago. It's worth maybe researching up on

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Personally I repotted mine before it dried. Couldn't afford more days in soggy conditions plant was going downhill fast.

Not sure if it would of been better waiting but repotting to as much dry soil/perlite mix and a fabric pot solved issue and hasn't been a issue since. Fabric pots dry out a lot easier and drain really well.
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