

New Member
I am going to grow my pot out of buckets I am also stocking rain water. Is it okay to leave the bucket of rain water outside? Or will it eleddect how natural the water is, also I have a bucket that had cement in it can I throw my seedling in it I washed it but the cement is resin is along the side I figure the roots won't be touching the cement so who cares right?
IMHO i would get some peroxide and clean the buckets real good as the roots will touch the sides of the bucket. but who`s to say a pro grower might know something i dont as I am a noob and peroxide is a good antibacterial cleaner to take cement resin off the buckets. but that is just my own oppinion.
and peroxide wont hurt the plant.
Always use clean buckets or pots. the resin will leach back into the soil. Even If I buy brand new pots I wash them out with soapy bleach, 10% bleach is what's recommended when you need to Sterilise things. As for the rain water it would be ok to leave it outdoors, but you might want to get a air blubber or some kind of pump to help keep the water fresh. make sure to check the ph of the water before you use it.
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