Potent - Male plant


New Member
Few months ago i got some pretty average outdoor bud, there were 16 seeds in it weather was still cold so as an experiment i started one seed in my vege garden expecting it to die, few weeks later it was still alive so i transplanted it to my actual growing location and let it be, that was in april this year september i started my complete grow off (49) plants in total and noticed this plant was still alive altho growing slowly, i immediatly supercropped the hell out of it, exactly 2 weeks after when everything had healed and gone back to normal i started noticing male balls everywhere, now this being still early spring i was unsure what the hell was happening i suspected it was a hermie but left it anyways, few weeks later checked it again was loaded witj balls and no hairs , i saved some pollen and polinated a little ak49 auto then chopped it, it had a very crappy smell and was only leaf but i decided to keep it anyways, dried it out chucked it in a jar and left it, in desperation of having no weed i grabbd some of it out and smoked it through my bucket bong, immediatly it hit me and has me high as f""k right now haha how is that possible it was completely male ??? No pistils what so ever someone please explain lol. Btw im super high right now so if this makes no sence blame the weed
Haha im hoping its some unkown unicorn type plant :) high hopes lol but seriously its pretty powerfull as powerfull if not better then any leaf iv smoked but it cant back itself up first hit is nice every hit after that is pretty basic
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