
^^^ Well said!
but yeah, well said man, i always appreciate articulate people, i consider myself to be one, so a good debate between friendly articulate people is healthy to me, lol
Cool beans Tokin. I know for certain that I am NOT ready, not at this point in my life, to have children, and hopefuly when I decide to have them, I'll make wise decisions ;-)
Ok, I thought this chick was 19. 1.6 is, IMHO, too young to raise a child IMHO. You're still a child yourself, what's the hurry? You have you're WHOLE LIFE ahead of you to raise kids. WOUldnt you rather have children when you can afford to ahve children, when you have a partner to help raise the children, when youb have kife experience and wordly knowledge to raise the children? Again, no offense meant, but these are serious questions you should be answering. THis will affect your entire way of life forever. WOuldnt you rather have this great change and awesome reposnsibility when you feel you are ready for it, as opposed to doing it out of necessity?
Thepurplem0nkey said:
Ok, I thought this chick was 19. 1.6 is, IMHO, too young to raise a child IMHO. You're still a child yourself, what's the hurry? You have you're WHOLE LIFE ahead of you to raise kids. WOUldnt you rather have children when you can afford to ahve children, when you have a partner to help raise the children, when youb have kife experience and wordly knowledge to raise the children? Again, no offense meant, but these are serious questions you should be answering. THis will affect your entire way of life forever. WOuldnt you rather have this great change and awesome reposnsibility when you feel you are ready for it, as opposed to doing it out of necessity?
chill dude... some people are comfortable having abortions, religious or not...
or maybe she wants the kid... It's hard to fathom the attachment a mother can have to an unborn child...
Thepurplem0nkey said:
I understand. Im simply asking questions I feel someone so young should contemplate before making life alterintg decisions ;-)
I know man, you always have my respect,
just I know a girl who had an abortion... seriously, she is fucked up now.
It fucks with your head, remeber, mother's are biologically inclined to care for a child... and since the moment they get preagnant (sp. ill never spell that right), hormones start changing... it's really quite crazy...
This girl was a close friend of mine, shit, i was even scared i was the father, thankfully, it turned out that that would be impossible 'cause she was knocked up before we had sex, thankfully. All i know is she was even suicidal at one point, and this girl was completley happy before the whole ordeal. I just think that abortion shouldn't be taken so lightly...
mother's are biologically inclined to care for a child
LOL, respect both ways man, but I gotta say, thats an incredibly sexist and 1950's mentality there. If mothers are biologicaly inclined to care for a child, then there would eb no abusive mothers or abandoned children. Clearly caring for a child is a persons choice and determined by life choices and life outlooks as opposed to some mystical mommy skills women are born with.
I know several people who have had abortions and dont have any problems with it whatsoever. Our society is dominated by religous ldeas and religion in general, so we have always been bombarded with the idea abortion is somehow terrible and wrong. SOme people are ok with the idea that they are aborting the potential for life, just as a condom and birth control do the same thing, and that a woman should decide what happens to her body. Not everyone is wracked with some sort of guilt for aborting a fetus, in fact, all my friends were utterly relieved when the process went so smoothly and easily. I think abortion is taken so heavily because we are brainwashed at an early age to think it as terrible (even though we eat chicken fetuses every day and thik nothing of THAT). Once you get past all the religous and sexist bullshit that revolves around the issue, you are left with simple philosophical ponderings....what is a living entity, and what is not? That should be up to the carrier of that entity or non entity, the woman, in my humble opinion. AN abortion is a simple proceedure that has a social mythos behind it, stemming from religion.
Thepurplem0nkey said:
LOL, respect both ways man, but I gotta say, thats an incredibly sexist and 1950's mentality there. If mothers are biologicaly inclined to care for a child, then there would eb no abusive mothers or abandoned children. Clearly caring for a child is a persons choice and determined by life choices and life outlooks as opposed to some mystical mommy skills women are born with.
I know several people who have had abortions and dont have any problems with it whatsoever. Our society is dominated by religous ldeas and religion in general, so we have always been bombarded with the idea abortion is somehow terrible and wrong. SOme people are ok with the idea that they are aborting the potential for life, just as a condom and birth control do the same thing, and that a woman should decide what happens to her body. Not everyone is wracked with some sort of guilt for aborting a fetus, in fact, all my friends were utterly relieved when the process went so smoothly and easily.
It's not man, it's called a maternal instinct, most species have it. Hell, i know i would feel bad... (so i guess paternal instinct)
Believe me, something goes on, ever hear of post-partum depression?
Im just saying, it is natural for mother to have an inclination to care for their children, are you denying that? Look at the evidence present in many mammals and even reptiles...
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Sorry guys I have got to lock this, to the creator of this thread (Sweet chick8) you need to be 18 or older to be a member, plz keep youre profile "in tune" with those rules.

You dont want some of these fools (j/k, you know I love you all) giving you advice on this anyway, ask someone you know personally.
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