Pregnant and Smoke?


New Member
My girlfriend is pregnant with my first.. Congratulate me. lol.

*She is about 2 months pregnant now, and the "morning (all day) sickness" is in full effect*

She can't eat because nothing sounds good. When she does eat it comes back up. She's tried every over the counter Nausea med - but nothing is kicking this except for "MJ"; She'll hit it a couple times in the morning, and a couple times at night, then she's fine. Which is great that MJ works well for her in that medicinal sense, but my question:

can / will it effect my baby inside her in any way? Any positive / negative effects? is this a safe medication for my baby? because what goes into momma is going into my baby too.. We just need a bit of encouragement because we've been worrying so much about it all...

Did you smoke MJ during a pregnancy? Did it effect your child in any way?

Thx team, I know you'll have the answers! ;)
She can't eat because nothing sounds good. When she does eat it comes back up.
dont worry, thats gonna change

Did you smoke MJ during a pregnancy? Did it effect your child in any way?
i did, but the mother of my kids didnt so cant help u with that 1 but i can tell u this much:

keep your girlfriend as stress free as possible, i know, with all the unknown thats occurring in your lives right now that might seem hard to do, but its very important. keep her well rested and comfortable, especially during the last tri-mester. when she gets moody (and she will) and wants argue, let her win, and let her win quick. dont let her get depressed, her body is goin through some extraordinary changes and shes going to pack on a few, constantly reassure her that she is still beautiful, and let her know how proud of her u are. you might not understand yet what all a woman has to go through to have a baby, but u will, and its alot more than u might think

oh, and when ur in the delivery room and shes callin u dirty rotten $@*?< for doin this to her, she dont mean it, i think its a reflex ... :grinjoint:
One of my best friends, who's daughter is actually my god-daughter, smokes weed very often. That being said his pregnant girlfriend smoked often too during her pregnancy. We never found concrete evidence that it affects the baby.

That being said she would smoke blunts, take a bong hit, pretty much all the things a non-pregnant person would do.

The baby came out beautiful and they actually named her Irie. I still remember the day Irie was born. I was in the room with my buddy and his gf, the nurse had the baby under those things to keep her warm and was basically just taking blood etc.

Well obviously Irie was crying from the poking. The nurse said, "Wow she has really strong lungs," I tried my best not to laugh. Who woulda thought, the baby who was smoking weed before she was born has strong lungs ;)
I haven't done any research into this, but it seems to me that it would be healthier for the baby if the mother vaporized instead of smoked..though the baby would still be exposed to the THC, it would also be exposed to a lot less harmful chemicals and carcinogens linked to low birth weight
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