President Obama Steps Up His War On Medical Marijuana

The General

New Member
President Obama has stepped up his "war" on medical marijuana after alleging in 2008, while he was still senator, that he would stop the senseless raids by the DEA on facilities housing medical marijuana, supposedly because he thought the focus of our federal agents needed to be on the prevention of terrorism and detaining criminals. As if Obama's focus ever is on putting his money where his mouth is and fully delivering on assurances he has made! This President instead has radically stepped up raiding facilities housing medical marijuana similarly to how Castro stripped the people of Cuba of all their businesses and homes and other properties when that monster took office.

According to sources, Obama now intentionally targets growers of the medicinal plant — even those who are compliant with state law — and uses Justice Department resources to bypass state laws, raiding and prosecuting on an average of 36 growers per year, compared to his forerunner's 20 per year. Colorado, particularly Denver and Boulder, saw a fresh round of unlawful invasions this week, says a source, when federal authorizes burst into at least 10 medical marijuana facilities and confiscated tons of the product, caused significant damage to the properties in the process. Strangely, they arrested no one in these raids; but, even stranger than that, the AP says that the documents outlining the confiscation are "sealed."

How the Feds go about their raids is another chilling revelation. A marijuana lobbyist in Colorado has stated that they smash windows and grab anything that is of value. The raids occur in broad daylight during hours of operation and 99 percent of the time charges never follow. Instead of the Feds breaking windows and causing all of this damage, the lobbyist poses the sensible view that the agents could have simply "walked through the door." The manner in which Obama is stepping up his war on medical marijuana, like that of a bunch of hoodlums and thieves, lends itself to some thought-provoking questions: Why are the documents regarding these raids sealed? What is Obama doing with the valuable things they stole? And why are these cops being ordered to approach this issue in this destructive fashion? What is really going on with the Obama administration? Has anybody asked?

Of the arrests that have been made, a report from California says that over 335 defendants, residing in states with medical marijuana laws, have been charged with federal crimes related to medical marijuana. Also, despite Obama's 2008 "promise" of prosecutorial restraint in this area, something indeed is very wrong with this picture and the leader painting it. While Attorney General Eric Holder wants America to believe that suppliers of medical marijuana who comply with state law aren't the target of these many raids and arrests, the Justice Department has invaded those facilities that are in full compliance with state laws and regulations and stole from them. Do they think the people are stupid?

As it stands, according to ProCon, 20 states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana; therefore, be cautious, America. Obama is stepping up his war on medical marijuana, in spite of the laws that supposedly prevent him from doing so. We have another Castro on our hands, in case no one noticed. Medical marijuana is a legalized antidote to ill health. Why is Obama looking to mess with that too?


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Christina L. Ibbotson
Contact: About Us
Website: Obama Steps Up His War on Medical Marijuana
hes like any politician says what people want to hear till they are elected then do a 180
aren't all politicians alike?
our current governer in the state of Hawaii used to be a marijuana advocate at one time now hes completely in the other direction
politicians don't care what the people want just who can give them the most money to get their way
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