Prop 215 chemo patient down on his luck


New Member
I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia at the age of 23. Cannabis has been THE MOST helpful mand effective meficine for the side effects of my chemotherapy. As of late, my medical insurance, my disability aid, and mu general relief aid have all been denied and have ongoing chemotherapy till the end of 2014. Im in the middle of appealing the states ruling but till then, I can barely pay my rent let alone buy cannabis to feel okay enough to confortably live. Ive been seeing a few Southern California dispensaries offer free medicine but many which I was getting my meds from shut down. If anyone can direct me to any collectives that offer free or heavily discounted medicone, it would be greatly appreciated. I am a 215 patient
That sucks...hope everything works out for you. Concentrate Cannabis Oil can cure this, but, unfortunately its more expensive than herb (top shelf + to make). Hope all works out for you.

If Chemo doesn't work (hope it does) keep in mind the concentrated oil...I would suggest trying to hook up with some decent grower co-ops...direction for some good meds and oils and generosity. G/B
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