Propagating clones


Well-Known Member
I have some clones in rockwool in a propagation tray. They have been in there for 11 days and still don't show any roots. I wondered how wet the rockwool should be? The rockwool is pretty saturated with water. Can you have too much water in the rockwool? Should I be seeing roots by now? The clones look healthy and I give them 18 hours of light from a grow light. What am I doing wrong????? Please help!!!!!
Zup Sadhu9 :high-five:

Welcome to :420:

The rockwool should stay moist not over-saturated. Its ok to give them a good watering too complete satuaration point, but there should be allowed drainage, and allowed too dry out a little, before next watering. The best way to tell when to water the R.W.cubes are by judging they're wait by hand. Take a spare, completly dry, cube same size and feel the wait, very light. Compare to a complete saturated cube, very heavy! So heavy cubes, no need to water. Light cubes, needs watering!

One very important thing, when cloning and wanting roots to emerge quickly, is temperature!
A couple degrees warmer root-zone than the above air will encourage root growth.
Good cloning environment would be an ambient room temp of 20 degrees Celsius, and a rootzone temp of 22-23 degrees Celsius.
Heating pads, and heating cables can be bougt for the purpose. As well as one could use your television, if cuttings are placed in a small plastic tray on top of it, it would work as well..

Humidity should stay high, above 50% Rh at least.

If they have been in a cooler environment they are probably just taking a little longer to root, no need to worry yet, Dont go opening the cubes to peak, patience is key when growing Cannabis.

Suggested Action:
1. No standing water around cubes, get the cubes ½ an inch above the tray, so excess water can run off the cubes. They often come in a tray with a small prefabricated hole in the bottom for each cube, use those trays, they will also keep moistere from escaping too quickly.
2. Get temps in check, No (cold feet)
3. Humidity should stay at least above 50%rh. Humidity-dome shouldn't be needed at this point if no wilting occurs.
Thank you for the quick info. They all look great and none are wilting. I'll take your advice and let them dry out between watering.
Again, thanks and hope to chat again!!!!
I'm happy to report, all my clones are transplanted to soil and all look great! Thanks again for reminding me to be patient. All good things come to those who wait!???????
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