Re feeding DWC


New Member
So i just flipped 12/12 and im in 5gal DWC buckets.... veg was great and currently scrogged for the last 8 weeks .... question is i was changing the buckets completely during veg up until 2 weks ago where i tried just adding to the buckets..... seems like my girls are taking in 3 liters+ every 2 days...... so every other day i just add reg ph water, then next feeding i add nutes..... is this OK? my ppm was at 900 with a full bucket change, then 3.5L liters later the water level was low and at 900ppm still..... is this the fact that the ladies are drinking both water and nutes? kinda hard to raise the buckets with the scrog up.... can i just feed from the top to fill em up?
Sounds plant is taking nutes and water even with the ppm staying the same. Plant not taking nutes ppm with be higher leading to a lockout problem. plants taking more nutes then water ppm lower.Top feeding is fine if mixed nutes together with water . Never just nutes only threw top.
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