Re-introducing myself to growing and to the community

I'm at the very tail end of my "break in" grow, managed to sneak in a little tank water experiment while i caught up with growing. Don't want to jinx it, but the perliminary results are quite encouraging.

Pictured is a Orange Cookie auto grown exclusively on tank water.


Good morning @ShinSeiki garden looks better my friend.
Is everyone eating properly now?

Stay safe
How did d everything turn out?
Sorry i haven't been on the ball with updates, crunch time at work for the past couple months, final push on a very important project.

Partly because of the above mentioned increase in workload and partly because there wasn't much i could do (damage was done) i let her ride for another month on 100% tank water after my last post. After that i harvested, drying was a great learning experience, designed magnetic drying clips and after lots of prototypes i came to a design i'm happy with. Took my time and dried for 2 weeks alternating daily between 45% and 50% humidity(dehumidifier controlled). After that i started the cure, burped daily for 2 weeks and every 3 days after that.

I know what i'm about to say will sound ridiculous to most of you, but the end result is some of the best smoke i've ever had. Not crazy potent (no lighweight either), but smooth as silk and super tasty. My wife (she suffers from an illness that causes chronic pain) feels better, her overall health and morale is already improving after just 2 weeks. I have to say mission acomplished here regardless of how much room for improvement i ended up with.

Full disclosure: Good flower is almost impossible to find where i live, 95% is outdoor mass grown weaksauce at overinflated prices or the much more common cheap hash(the good stuff is crazy expensive), this is the first time i ever tasted cured herb.

My eyes are already on the next cycle, got the seeds in the mail yesterday, expect a full journal very soon. I'll be showcasing all the bits and bobs i've designed and sharing the files so anyone that wants one can print their own for free. Still need to work out how i'm going to share non-image files but i'm sure i'll come up with something.

Huge thanks to everyone, not only for the technical advice, but also for the support and warmth, makes it much easier to put in the work everyday when you feel like you belong to something much bigger than yourself.
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