Real quick lighting question


New Member
I have recently begain acquiring supplies to start growing (indoors)

the space is limited, it is in a closet, i cannot grow anyone else, its a fairly big closet, i could grow some decent sized plants in there

anyways here is my question...

i was wondering if those long 3-4ft flourscent lights (The t shaped ones) are able to be used under an extentension cord, as i dont have the knowledge to go and wire these babies up. I am not able to order anything over the internet, and was hoping to head down to home depot and purchase some.

if they have to be wired, is there an alternative i could use? perhaps floor lamps with 30 watt bulbs?
please help, space and budget is very limited
Generally marijuana plants' ideal lighting is 50 watts/sq ft. of floor space. The best type of lights you can find at plant/nursery stores. Look for HID lights and more specifically the High Pressure Sodium lights (HPS)

HID or sodium would be ideal but not everyone can afford that. I have used in the past ( and am going to here shortly ) used reg flourescant shop lights, above to start then when the plants are bigger I'll add ones hung sideways to give the lower parts some light. Not perfect but better than nothing. You just wont get the big buds like you see in the pictures.
The shop lights are about $10.00 apiece plus a couple dollars for cool white bulbs. So if you go 4 fixtures across then add 1 or 2 on each side (later when needed ) Between $70.00- $100.00 you can have a pretty decent little system going. If you can scrounge some used fixtures ( make sure the wiring looks safe ) add new bulbs and save $$$. Check around buildings being renovated.
I have recently begain acquiring supplies to start growing (indoors)

the space is limited, it is in a closet, i cannot grow anyone else, its a fairly big closet, i could grow some decent sized plants in there

anyways here is my question...

i was wondering if those long 3-4ft flourscent lights (The t shaped ones) are able to be used under an extentension cord, as i dont have the knowledge to go and wire these babies up. I am not able to order anything over the internet, and was hoping to head down to home depot and purchase some.

if they have to be wired, is there an alternative i could use? perhaps floor lamps with 30 watt bulbs?
please help, space and budget is very limited
Oh Jez? Really? Viparspectra Lights are $100 bucks... that’s it. You spend more than that on weed... buy the light. It’ll save you energy cost for sure and your plants will thrive better under those wide spectrum lights... this is one are I would cheap out.
I’ll never go back... my plants are bushy and strong compared to lanky skinny plants...


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You can get away with an extension cord, provided it's of the right size/amperage...and not crazy long.

As stated above, you got options, what's your budget? Preferences (led, HID, fluorescents..etc)?

Is there a reason you can't buy online? You can pickup gift cards to use online or go to a local hydro shop...

Edit- dang I need more coffee ...just saw the dates :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You can get away with an extension cord, provided it's of the right size/amperage...and not crazy long.

As stated above, you got options, what's your budget? Preferences (led, HID, fluorescents..etc)?

Is there a reason you can't buy online? You can pickup gift cards to use online or go to a local hydro shop...

Edit- dang I need more coffee ...just saw the dates :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yeah, we should probably give them more time to reply back..maybe they are still at home depot looking for an extension cord lol for 16 years!
Yeah, we should probably give them more time to reply back..maybe they are still at home depot looking for an extension cord lol for 16 years!
Good customer service is hard to find :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
IF it were me, before making a decision I'd really need to perform a load calculation. Here is why.

1. You already answered the primary part of your question, meaning the area you have to use. A closet. This gives us a solid foundation to build upon. Most closets offer no ventilation and seldom have an HVAC supply grill. Meaning you've very little available in it's current form to maintain the temps and/or exchange air. :lot-o-toke:

2. Anyway, in keeping it as simple as we can, add up the wattage of whatever appliances you have in this closet. (Lights, pumps, fans, ect. They all have wattages listed on their tags). You can convert wattage into BTU. This will tell you what you need to offset this heat load. Here's a link that does just that. Watts to BTU conversion calculator :ganjamon:
Personally, I'd steer away from HPS or MH in such a small area. A 600 watt HPS light puts out around 2000 BTU's and a 1000 watt is nearly 3500 BTU's. That's a LOT of heat in a very small area and we still haven't added in the other required items the room needs into the BTU totals. I realize it's a pain BUT do it once and you won't have to look back. I've had to look back so many times God should have stuck my eyes in the back of my head! Save the headache. Do it right once.
Any good LED should cut those BTU figures in half, but make no mistake. Any LED that can TRULY flower out a plant is going to put out a heat signature that has to be dealt with, but only at about half the rate you'd be dealing with on conventional HPS lighting.
3. Plants suck up Co2 and a few plants in flower in a small area can suck that 400 ppm of atmospheric Co2 down to double digits pretty quick, so you need to exchange the air numerous times a day or provide Co2.
I realize this may sound like a lot of unnecessary stuff, but I'm betting your going to end up dealing with it one way or another.
Good luck and consider me subscribed!
IF it were me, before making a decision I'd really need to perform a load calculation. Here is why.

1. You already answered the primary part of your question, meaning the area you have to use. A closet. This gives us a solid foundation to build upon. Most closets offer no ventilation and seldom have an HVAC supply grill. Meaning you've very little available in it's current form to maintain the temps and/or exchange air. :lot-o-toke:

2. Anyway, in keeping it as simple as we can, add up the wattage of whatever appliances you have in this closet. (Lights, pumps, fans, ect. They all have wattages listed on their tags). You can convert wattage into BTU. This will tell you what you need to offset this heat load. Here's a link that does just that. Watts to BTU conversion calculator :ganjamon:
Personally, I'd steer away from HPS or MH in such a small area. A 600 watt HPS light puts out around 2000 BTU's and a 1000 watt is nearly 3500 BTU's. That's a LOT of heat in a very small area and we still haven't added in the other required items the room needs into the BTU totals. I realize it's a pain BUT do it once and you won't have to look back. I've had to look back so many times God should have stuck my eyes in the back of my head! Save the headache. Do it right once.
Any good LED should cut those BTU figures in half, but make no mistake. Any LED that can TRULY flower out a plant is going to put out a heat signature that has to be dealt with, but only at about half the rate you'd be dealing with on conventional HPS lighting.
3. Plants suck up Co2 and a few plants in flower in a small area can suck that 400 ppm of atmospheric Co2 down to double digits pretty quick, so you need to exchange the air numerous times a day or provide Co2.
I realize this may sound like a lot of unnecessary stuff, but I'm betting your going to end up dealing with it one way or another.
Good luck and consider me subscribed!
Welcome aboard! You fell for the same trap I did!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This thread was started in 2004. Somebody else replied and resurected it. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
the info you gave was very useful, and it may be handy to another member or lurker.
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