
I had a problem with with somebody showing up and me blazin them out.When the I asked himto match he said he didnt have anything,later that night when it was pass out time he stayed on my couch.I woke up the next morning he was still asleep and his non-exsistent bag of weed had feel out of his coat pocket on to my couch.He was sleeping so I took his bag of weed took half of it out rolled a blunt and replaced it with some sage.Needless to say we blazed he left and has not returned.:clap:
Things never change. There were moochers in the 60's and there are moochers now. I can always share with a friend because friends can be counted with one hand! Happy Holidays!
I would say about two times maybe?

I fortunatley don't have any friends who mooch. One of my friends comes over sometimes and asks me to smoke with her, but whenever she has it and I'm over at her house she'll smoke me out. My boyfriend is my biggest moocher, lol... He smokes more than I do, so he's always in my stash. I've made it a habit to hide my shit when he's around.
Well said!:smokin:

Happy holidays to you too. :hippy:
Things never change. There were moochers in the 60's and there are moochers now. I can always share with a friend because friends can be counted with one hand! Happy Holidays!
Luckily no moochers to worry about I just have good friends come over I smoke with them because I know when they have some they will share just the same. In high school I had a HUGE mooch "friend". I would always go after school and blaze him up THEN when I was leaving he would ask me for a few buds. It got the point where I told him, I go to school and I have a fucking job, you do neither. Get your own fucking bud. never saw him again, its sad just how big a lame some people really are.
A few years ago when I used to smoke with my best friend about twice a week, we'd be hanging out and I'd make the phone call to my dealer. My friend would then (he couldn't have it in his house because of his fiance) hand over some cash and ask when we're going to smoke. That was always ok with me. If he can't have it in the house and he was always willing to contribute to the cost, I was good. Most of the time though, I would refuse his money. It's the thought that counts.
Most of the time though, I would refuse his money. It's the thought that counts.

I'm in the same boat, friends would all pitch in like a couple bucks each and i would refuse, but over months and months those few dollars seemed to add up towards the end of the baggie. Friends were more sparse then too.
i have a neighbor who i toked up a couple of times
when i first moved in here, at that point it was ok as i was getting to know my neighbor and he barely had any,,
like 1 or 2 hoots and soaring
but after a bit of time like a few months, and after seeing how much i usually have and smoke, he seemed to start coming more and more and smoking more and more,,,
i started trying the well hey guy if you want some i could get you some just give me the money,,that always was his time to get up and do some very important things,, (haha ya right so stoned he's got the ringing) but then it just became like he come by and want to "borrow" like a spliff or two till he gets some or else he would offer to borrow me a couple of movies as payment,, lol,, i just tell him i don't have enough and that i can get some for him if he gives me money,,or if i have a big enough bag i just sell him some,,but nope never no money so now when he comes by and trys to barter some weed,,lol,, i just say i say the same thing and he says the same ol got no money till pay day and just stares at me,,, i just stare back silently till he gets the idea that im not up for his barter system or into giving away my weed to people that never have some to smoke in return,,

i find best if you are smoking with people who could be moochers,,,,don't let them see how much stash you have,,,

this goes for my cigarettes too,,, :)
Reasonable to me is the third time...
The first time or two I'm usually glad to share, but about the third time it looks like a pattern emerging.
I keep everything out of sight anyway, except for what I plan to consume in the next couple of hours. That makes it easier to say "That's all I have left, man" when necessary.

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