Recommended umol reader for LED?


Well-Known Member
As title states, im looking for a umol reader for LED lights, i want to get a decent reader that wont break the bank and is reliable. Its been hell trying to find one on amazon as to ones for LED and umol readout, i could use some feedback!

Those of you that own one, what did you pay for it and whats it called? I hate the idea of spending 100 bucks let alone 300 bucks as i've seen some for haha, but im at a roadblock. In order for me to advance to my next step in learning about my lights, i need a reader so i can fix my 4x4 tents weakest spots with new lights or supplements. I hope you guy's have some good answers for me! :D
For a good umol reader it’s gonna cost you $$$, can’t remember the brand specifically but was around $700 last I checked

Personally I have the hydro farm quantum PAR meter, think it costed about $250(CDN) when I picked it up....thing is I have no idea the accuracy of it compared to some of these more expensive models....however it’s come in very handy, for all I know it’s just as accurate
Give it a year or two and prices will drop as cheap Chinese products are developed to fill the demand (as opposed to the expensive Chinese products currently on the market). ;)

Light meters are nice to have, but for the current price of a good one that works with LEDs, I think your money is better spent just buying another light!
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