Rock Resinator


Well-Known Member
G'day everyone
I got put on to this stuff because I wanted a little bit more weight and c if it will make in oil because of the extra resin it produces.


Its been a week and every girl i have in flower all just want to topple over from the extra weight they have gained

They range from 3 week to 8 weeks in flower and even the 3 weeks old ones are have had to be supported.

but one thing i have noticed is is that the more mature plants heads are starting to foxtail and I've never had that happen on past grows

Anyone got a idea why?


Some strains are genetically predisposed to it (they're generally sativa strains). If that's the case, dropping from the usual 12 hours light during flowering to 11 or slightly less can sometimes help.

Too much phosphorous can cause foxtailing. Even more excess P will cause a significant lockout of other elements like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc, being zinc the first micro-element to get blocked. Also, somewhat ironically, it can sometimes cause stems to become weak and flexible, which leaves them unable to "stand up on their own" in flower when the buds are putting on weight. Although that might have as much to do with the nutrient lockouts at that point than the excess P in and of itself.

If temperature and humidity are both too high, that can contribute to it, but since you began seeing it after hitting the plants with a PK booster, that'd be my guess.
Yeah, gday from down under cuz. That rock resonator:cool:. (ozi magics better & cheaper imo) Everything @TorturedSoul said is correct but i'll add that your lights might be too much for your that strain. Check the lux/par off on your lighting cause in most situations it's usually that first.
Awesome advice
I've raised the lights and have given them a a good flush
I going to stop giving the Resinator to my older bigger girls and try it out on a couple of young ones I have in there just because I had the room to c how it works
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