Rooting a cutting

I don't think it's as complicated as many make it seem. I haven't done the method you mention with cannabis, but I've done it with other plants. Others also mention that they've had success with it. You will be best off if you use a cup that doesn't let light (or much) in, which will further stimulate rooting. You should be just fine with that method! You may not really even need to change the water, but it isn't a bad idea.

The other options depend on what medium you're currently growing in. You can pretty much use whatever medium you're growing in now, and put it in a mock humidity dome to keep it cheap. Even putting it in moist soil or a soiless mix (if that's what you're using) in one cup, and putting a clear cup on top will work. Just give it some air once or twice a day and make sure it's humid by misting a bit of water in there.

For my first clones, I used one of the cheap Jiffy seed starter kits with peat pellets and a little humidity dome, and I had 8/8 clones root from different plants. No need to buy something pricey!
People can root them in water- though from what little I've heard the success rate isn't that high and they may take a long time to root if they do. I've recently been rooting them in straight coco. One common problem with clones, at least for me, is rot caused by too damp a rooting medium. But coco stays at a lovely moisture level and I can water it and leave it for a week or more by which time I have roots. I've heard of people having good success putting them straight into potting mix, like pro- mix. Probably good not to use a soil which contains any more than trace nutrients (nitrogen) because this will inhibit rooting.
Just put in a cup if water and leave under a small light, unless you want it to root fast then you would be better off building a simple bubble cloner or better yet a aero cloner
cherrs for the reply. i also use the water in a cup method for other plants like tomatoes for eg. and to be honest i took about 5 cuttinngs from last summers crop of tomatoes and they all rooted very well. i even left one in water with roots on it because i had no more potting space and for a couple months (or weeks at least) it stayed green with roots and then started lacking nitro im guessing and dying. but it had formed a slimy gel on the roots not sure what it was.
I was also thinking about coco and maby mixing it 50/50 with my grow mix too for some nutes :) i have a nice heated humid dome that i got a while ago for pretty cheap witch il use for cuttings in the future and probley this one too, once i decide the method im doing :D:peace:
Lights on. But nowhere near as intense as for a rooted plant.

Edit: I just thought you might be asking if you should do the actual cutting with the knife in the dark? It won't be any less traumatic one way or the other because it can't see you coming. :allgood:
I've rooted basil in water just fine. Nivek is trying the cutting in a cup method at the moment, not sure what's come of it, if you want to check the tail end of his journal or ask him how it's going. Let us know how it works out if you do
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